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I've decided that I'm going to update this every Sunday and maybe an extra one during the week depending on free time. I might update sometime this week so look out.

*not dating*

As he was driving to work, Jay was not looking forward to tonight. He was dreading it in fact. Tonight was his high school reunion and he absolutely did not want to go, but something inside him possessed him to respond to the invite and say he would. Looking back, checking your email at three in the morning when your drunk was not the best idea.

He hated his high school. Well the high school itself was great, but he hated his classmates. They were complete jerks to him when he was there. He wasn't the big, tough, muscular guy he is now. Back then he was a tall, scrawny kid with braces and a lot of acne. Scarecrow, metal head, beanpole, pizza face, or stretch if you will.

The kids at his school would relentlessly pick on him. They would pull him down by his backpack, shove him into lockers, dump their garbage on him, and one time even locked him in a gym locker for three periods before a teacher found him. Gym was another story, although he was coordinated and could run pretty fast, he was very weak and always picked last for teams.

During lunch, he would go eat in the library with his math teacher, Ms. Clarke. She was very nice to him, she would help him out when the other kids picked on him. He didn't have any friends, wasn't tough enough to be with the jocks and not smart enough to be considered a nerd. He really only sat with teachers.

When the kids found out that he wanted to be in the army and be a police officer, they taunted him and he never heard the end of it. They would tease him all day, "Trying to be all tough Halstead" or "Hey stretch, I think Josh just stole some of Mark's food, arrest him already". Jay just took it though, he was too nice to fight back, let alone do it physically. He was a sweet kid but took complete bullshit because of it.

His family was there for him. Well his mother and Will anyways, his father didn't care and just told him to toughen up. His father wasn't around much, either at a bar or at a friends house getting drunk there. His mother on the other hand was amazing. When Jay would come home upset or crying, his mother would comfort him and make him feel better. She was also there for him whenever his father would yell at him, for not being able to defend himself. She would always tell him that he was a sweet boy, her sweet boy. He was a real momma's boy, which he was made fun of for.

Whenever Will caught some kid making fun of him, he would yell at him and a couple times even beat them up, being two years older it was easy. Although Jay thanked him for it, when Will stood up for him, the bullying got worse. Kids always saying that Jay couldn't do anything without his big brother, like Will was a body guard.

"Hey chuckles" Sargent Platt said as he entered the 21st District, snapping him out of his thoughts.

"Good morning Sargent Platt" he replied as he scanned his hand to walk up to the bullpen.

As he sat down at his desk he continued his earlier thoughts about the dreaded night ahead.

Now that everyone knew he was going, he couldn't back out. Within a day of his response saying that he would attend the reunion, he had gotten about thirty messages saying that they couldn't wait to see him. He knew they were expecting the same tall, skinny, weak kid. But they were wrong. None of them had seen Jay since high school. Once he got to college, he had enough. He started working out, started getting stronger. He got more muscular, which filled him out making him look less tall, less like the string bean he was.

He got into the Rangers and eventually the Police Department and was now working in one of the most elite units in the city. Although his mother was terrified of him going off to war, she was proud of him. He followed his dreams and worked his hardest to get there. His brother was really supportive as well, he was sad to see him go but made a promise to his brother that when he comes back, he'll be a kick ass surgeon and he was right. Both the Halstead brothers had followed their dreams and their mother was extremely proud of them. Although his mom didn't know he was a police officer, because she died while he was in the Rangers, he likes to think that in some way she does know.

Linstead One ShotsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon