Chapter 3: Trust

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Katy's POV

I skated down the smooth pavement of the road as Lydia and Allison were trailing slowly behind me.

Allison wanted to take me to look around since she didn't last week when I first came here.

My first week of school wasn't as agonizing as I thought it would be. I actually managed to make some friends, even though they were all Allisons.

Lydia and I didn't get along as well as Allison wanted us too. I even overheard her saying that I was a pessimistic version of Stiles with even more sarcastic comebacks.

Which, I actually took as a compliment. Stiles was pretty cool. I have probably gotten along with him the most out of all her friends, he says we have a strong connection because 'Sarcastic people unite' or something like that. Scott was pretty cool too, except sometimes he acts weird, like when Stiles said something about Isaac not being present all week, and right as he said that Scott immediately looked at me. It's like he knew I knew Isaac.

I shrugged off those thoughts and continued skating down the road.

All we've really been doing though was them following me as I skated down random roads.

I couldn't quite hear what they were saying over the sound of the wheels hitting the pavement but I did hear them say 'Aiden' a few times, who was the guy I guess Lydia had a thing for, but that's all I could decipher on what I think they said.

I stopped abruptly as I saw Stiles jeep parked on the other side of the road.

I didn't think Lydia or Allison noticed it either until I was running toward it.

Why would Stiles be parked at the side of the road?

There was nothing really down this road. It was just woods on either side of the street.

I looked at the jeep and there was no one in it.

I scratched the back of my head in confusion. Stiles was definitely weird, I knew that for sure.

But why would he leave his jeep at the side of a random road, mostly when he told me he was going to hang out with some friends after school today?

"Is that Stiles jeep?" Lydia asked as her and Allison walked up to where I was standing next to it.

"Yeah." Allison said as she furrowed her eyebrows as if she was thinking.

I started walking towards the woods but Allison pulled my shoulder back.

"What are you doing?" She asked as she looked at me bizarrely.

"Well. By the look you just made I am assuming you don't know what Stiles is doing here. So, Im going to go find him." I said simply as if it was the most obvious thing ever.

Allison was going to say something back but Lydia spoke first.

"Did you hear that?" She asked but it almost came out as a whisper.

"Hear what Lydia?" Allison asked worried. Lydia looked scared.

"You can't hear that?" She asked as she looked straight forward at the woods.

"No.." Allison said as she shook her head back and forth. Her face had a deep concern on it.

I tried to focus and listen to what she was talking about, but all I could hear was buzzing.

"All I hear is a fly." I said as I swatted near my ear for the fly to go away.

"Allison. We need to go." Lydia said as she ventured towards the woods.

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