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"You know Anna, I've been thinking. Let's do this properly. I'm here to live with you for a few months, not for a holiday. I want to do normal things. We used to talk about what it would be like to be able to work alongside each other and live together here. Maybe I could make my office down at Manolis with you. Just while I'm here of course". Anna turned to face him "Really? You know much I'd love that!". Noah smiled and kissed her brow "Really! We could wake up together. Walk down to the taverna, work for a few hours and meet for lunch. It will be just like we have always wanted and after that we can do whatever we like?". She kissed his lips and grinned from ear to ear "God that's so exciting! Let's go down now and have a look?".

The both dressed, walked down the beach and up the steps of the taverna. From outside it looked exactly the same, inside was a different story. The whole restaurant had been gutted out. It was a large empty white space, you would never think this was an artist studio. "Where is everything Anna? The place is empty" he asked. Anna led him to the side of the room, there were two doors in the wall, she opened one and turned on the light. It was a tiny room, just like the one in her attic at the cottage. The walls were adorned with her art. The floor covered in paint and her easel was in the corner covered up with a sheet "I can't work in large spaces. This is where I paint. I think it's got something to do with when I was at home and then in London. I never had much room to work. When I bought this I had visions of it being a huge space that I could fill. But I ended up back in a little pokey room. Something to do with the close quarters, I find it soothing". Anna shut off the light and closed the door, moving to open the other, turning on that light. "This could be yours? At the moment it's where bad art goes to die" she laughed.

This room was much larger. Well it would have been if it hadn't been filled to the rafters with paintings. Rolls and rolls of canvas lay on top of each other. The walls were hand painted with intricate Mehndi patterns, Noah recognise them from an Indian wedding he once attended. "It's a bloody mess Noah. But I can take all this out and paint the walls and get you a desk and what ever else you like?". Noah's hand went to the walls "Did you do all this Anna? It's beautiful! It must have taken you weeks?". Anna blushed "It took about a year actually. I really got into Mehndi when I went to India. The geometry, it relaxes me. You can get lost in the designs. I sell a lot of pieces of it. It's the new trend apparently" she scoffed. Noah put his arm around her waist "It's perfect I love it. You really have travelled the world haven't you?". Anna closed the door and led him to the back of the room, opening the door to the balcony.

The tables and chairs that he remembered were still there. It was the only sign that this had ever been a restaurant. Anna took him by the hand and looked into those beautiful green eyes "I've been to lots of places Noah and I've lots more I'd like to see. But nothing will ever make me as happy as I am when I'm here and now I have you to share it with again. I loved you then, but I love you so much more now. We aren't known for taking things slowly are we? So I'm asking you now. Like I should have all those years ago. Don't go back to America, Noah Grossman. Stay here with me forever?".



Unfinished Business. A Noah Grossman Story. Part 2 (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now