Twenty Three

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"So were you waiting for me Anna. All this time?" Noah asked. Anna sat up on the bed with her legs folded "No, I wasn't. I just didn't want anyone else. I never met anyone who made me feel even 1% of what you did. I know it's weird but it's the truth. If I'd never seen you again in my whole life. I would have still been happy on my own. I was honestly content". Noah sat up and put his arm around her shoulders "Anna if I'd known...I would have got on the first plane and ran too you. You know this now don't you? It's always been you, I've never stopped loving you". Anna shook of his embrace and stood up "Don't you understand, you had married someone else. You had an amazing career and a beautiful wife.  I had waited too long.....And you loved someone else. What was I to do? Come back into your life and demand you love me again, after 3 years? You had moved on with your life and rightly so. As far as I knew you didn't love me anymore, you loved someone else and I had done that to us. I was too late Noah. That's when I knew that we would never be together again and my heart broke for a second time. I promised I would never do that to myself again, how could I, I'd lost the love of my life" her voice softened "I'm sorry about all this Noah, but that's how my life was. I need to get some air, I'm going for a walk".

Noah sat for a few minutes. He knew he should follow her but he didn't know what to say. To think that the last lips that she had kissed were his almost ten years ago amazed him. For years he'd imagined her married to someone better looking, richer and funnier than him living the Bohemian lifestyle they'd talked about. But no, she had been here frozen in time in more ways than one. She had always been his and he hers. How blind had he been. He got up and ran downstairs after her. Maria caught him just as he was about to leave "Noah, don't. When she's like this she needs her space. Just give her five minutes?". Noah stopped and went into the kitchen "Maria, can I ask you something?". Maria followed him into the kitchen and sat at the table "Yeah of course". Noah sighed "What have I done wrong? I'm so confused!".

Maria smiled at him "You've done nothing wrong silly. I've known Anna all my life, she's been one of my best friend's for a long time too. She's not mad at you, she's mad at herself. She pushed you away and then waited too long to get you back and she has never forgiven herself. She hates that you loved somebody else enough to marry them. But she will never tell you that, I shouldn't even be telling you. But that will pass. You found her, you want to be with her. Its going to take her some time to get used to that. She's been alone for a long time and heart was so broken. But she loves you very much, more than she will ever tell you". Noah smiled "You think so?". "Fucking hell Noah. I know so. You are soul mates. You being here now proves that and she knows it." Maria laughed checking her watch "Right go after her now. She will be at the end of the bay".

Noah caught up with her and sat back to back, taking hold of Anna's hand. "I'm sorry Anna. I'm sorry we left this so long, I'm sorry I couldn't be here for you after your dad passed. I'm sorry I married someone else it was a fucking sham of a marriage. But I thought you didn't love me. You pushed me away and I tried to live my life without you. It's was a stupid mistake on both our parts. But I'm here now and I love you so very much. Let's just put all this behind us. I really want us to be together forever. If we can move past this there's nothing holding us back". Anna gripped his hand "I really want to Noah. I'm sorry too". Noah breathed a sigh of relief "Good, now lets go back. I've a storm to cook up for you".

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Thanks ever so my my lovelies. You're all fucking fantastic!


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