Ch. 12: The Proposal

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            Days later, everything was almost back to normal. Raven and Ville were once again inseparable but this time they were all over each other, no matter what. Linde was, once again, teasing the two. Bill was the only one who didn’t seem to want to let go of what had happened.

            No matter what time of the day it was, anyone could find Bill in the back room of the Tokio Hotel bus. He’d taken Tom’s guitar and lots of paper with him so everyone knew he was doing something at least. But when they asked what it was he wouldn’t say anything. Everyone let him be especially after Tom told them he’d been this way before. He’d be completely fine after awhile.

            Now it was the last concert of the tour. Everyone was extremely happy that they’d be home soon but extremely sad because they’d miss each other. But they’d see each other soon so they goofed off before the show.

            The Rasmus, Tokio Hotel, and AFI all played their sets then went back to watch HIM. Ville had told them all to be onstage because he wanted them to watch. They were confused but complied.

            Ville sang his way through eleven songs before holding his arms up for silence. Then he spoke

            “Okay guys, listen for a sec. There’s someone I’d like you all to meet. Raven, please come here.”

            Everyone, even the other bands, cheered. Raven had a look of confusion on her face as she slowly walked over to Ville, who took her hands.

            “I met Raven a few months ago while she was on a class trip to our good ole’ Helsinki. I first saw her and it was like a chorus of angels had descended from heaven and were singing. A ray of light was spotlighting her. And yes, it was love at first sight.

            “But soon enough she had to leave me, and the guys, to return home. I missed her horribly but I knew I’d see her again very soon. How did I know, you ask? Because we were going to embark on this very tour!

            “So as a band we went to her house and surprised her. I asked her to accompany us. She said yes, of course. These last few months I’ve had the two things I love the most with me: music… and Raven.

            “Now, two more things and one more song, okay ,guys? I know you must be getting impatient. Alright so, first thing, Shona. Please come here.”

            Everyone cheered again as Shona walked out. Her cheeks and ears were a nice shade of red. Raven laughed.

            “This lady you see before you has helped Raven and I when we were in some pretty bad shit. She brought us back together when we thought the world was ending. She was there, for all of us on tour, and she’s also the one in love with one of the best damn guys I know: Mr. Davey Havok!”

            Davey came out onstage and held Shona after Ville hugged her.

            “And thank you for crying for me.”

            Once again he turned to Raven. Everyone held their breath. They knew this was the moment they had been waiting for. Something important was about to happen.

            “Raven. I know we’ve had our ups and downs. And I know that we were both scared of losing the other. But look, we made it through. We’re together and I wouldn’t have it any other way. Unless we made it a little more permanent, and you never leave me again.”

            Ville sank to one knee. Everyone let their breath out in a gasp. He pulled out the ring with his name on it and held it out so Raven could see.

            “Raven Sherice, my love, my life, would you marry me?”

            Raven’s eyes were shining brightly as she nodded yes. Ville jumped up and kissed her. The crowd went crazy. A few of the girls in the front started crying, hugging each other in their grief. And someone holding a “Marry Me Ville!” sign tore their sign up and stomped on it. Ville held his arms up for silence again.

            “This last song I dedicate to the future Mrs. Valo, my life, my love! My ‘Dark Light’.”

And Love Said No (Ville Valo Love Story, Part 2)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora