Percy Jackson Fan Fiction - Introductions to a Goddess

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Archery went by really quick. It was like usual, me failing, Jamie shooting arrows like a boss. 

"Hey, we have lunch next right?" Jamie asked me. We were walking away from the archery area when Amy came running up to us.

"Lunch is next right?" she asked. 

"Yes, to both of you," I answered both of them. 

"So, I'm sitting with both of y'all today 'k?" she asked in a snobby voice. 

"Of course! Because we're soo happy to sit with you!" I exclaimed sarcastically, plastering a fake smile on my face and raising my eyebrows. She scrunched up her nose and gave me a dirty look before walking away from Jamie and I. 

"She seriously has some issues. Why does she want to sit with us so bad if she acts like she hates us?'" I talked to Jamie. 

"Like you said, she has serious issues," Jamie answered me smartly. She grabbed my hand and dragged me over to the Poseidon table. Yes, we know. It's against the rules for a child to sit at a table that is not their godly parent's. But when did we ever follow the rules? I plopped down onto the bench, and Jamie and I waited for all the other campers to file in. One rule we had to follow was that nobody got their food until everyone showed up. Minutes later, Amy pranced over to us. 

"So I'm sitting here right?" she asked sweetly.

"Of course," I grimaced. Jamie gave her a hesitant smile. Amy flipped her gorgeous blond hair over her shoulder and sat down on the bench across from me, crossing her legs and pursing her lips. Gosh she sat like she owned the place! I rolled my eyes and took a deep breath. A few seconds later, Chiron announced we could get our food so I gripped Jamie's arm and pulled her towards the food.

"Jasmine you eat more than Nate does," Jamie stated.

"Okay, and?"

"Do you know how much my boyfriend eats?!?!" Jamie screamed. 

"No I don't know, and I don't care either," I answered.

"Just get your food, Jasmine." 

I piled up my plate with food, ignoring the strange looks I was receiving. Eventually, I got to the fire, picked up a big plump chicken and shoved it into the orange flames, murmuring a thanks to my dad. With that, I walked back to the Poseidon table. 

"OKAY! Please no public display of affection!" I cried out as soon as I came near the table. Both Jamie and Nate, and Percy and Annabeth were kissing. Right in front of me. I really did not need to see my brother making out with his girlfriend or my bestfriend making out with her boyfriend. I didn't want to be reminded that I was probably going to grow old with 50 cats. Both couples pulled away from each other reluctantly, all of their faces bright red. Especially Percy's. 

"Sorry Jasmine," Annabeth murmured, clearing her throat. Her gorgeous blond hair was tied in the usual  ponytail and her stormy gray eyes were locked on my brother. His dark hair was growing longer and his sea green eyes were bright. Those two were just too cute. 

"Apology accepted." 

The rest of lunch went by smoothly, with all of us chatting about random things. Amy came by, halfway through the hour. 

"Where were you?" Jamie asked. Nate didn't pay attention, he was too busy adjusting his arm around Jamie's shoulder. 

"Oh, just getting to know some Aphrodite girls," Amy answered with a smirk. 

"Who's this, Jasmine?" Percy asked me.

"Amy," I grumbled.

"Nice to meet you, Amy," my brother tried to be friendly. Amy gave Percy a flirtatious smile and bit her lip.

"Hi," she purred. I saw Annabeth grab hold of Percy's hand and shuffle closer to him. 

 "I'm Annabeth," Annabeth introduced herself, throwing Amy a harsh glare. 

"That's nice," Amy scowled. I saw Annabeth's jaw clench. But Percy gave her a loving look and she immediately relaxed. 

"So, um, I'm done, Jamie come with me," I hastily snatched Jamie's arm. 

"Whoa, my baby is staying here," Nate grabbed her other arm. 

"No, my best friend is coming with me," I retorted, giving Jamie's arm a pull. 

"Okay guys, how about I go with Jasmine, and Nate I'll spend the entire night with you," Jamie tried to compromise. 

"Fine, only because I love you," Nate agreed. I didn't waste any time, I dragged Jamie away before Nate could even kiss her on the cheek. 

"What is so important?" Jamie asked me as soon as we were standing by Zeus's fist. 

"Did you see Amy flirting with my brother?" I fumed.

"Jasmine, Percy loves Annabeth."

"Yes, but Amy is a conniving, twisted, mean, and not to mention gorgeous, girl who seems to be liking my brother!" 

"Chill, Jasmine, Amy knows when to stop."

"How do you know that?" 

"I'm certain that my daughter won't interfere," a voice suddenly came out of nowhere. I froze. Jamie's eyes almost popped out of their sockets. 

"What was that?" Jamie whispered. 

"I'm Aphrodite, nice to meet you girls!" and with a pop of pink glitter, a woman came into view. She was absolutely breathtaking. Her hair was a gorgeous shade of blonde, curly and thick. Her eyes were a bright, clear blue. Her features were sharp and beautiful. Her figure was to die for. But it didn't stay that way. Her hair changed colors, her eyes changed colors, her features changed, her figure changed. It was like she couldn't decide on what to look like. 

"Umm, hi?" I nervously answered. Jamie clutched my arm. 

"I'm here for Amy, is she here?" the Aphrodite asked, her voice sticky sweet.

"I'll go get her!" Jamie volunteered and quickly ran away. 

"You are?" Aphrodite looked directly at me, her eyes changing a million times per second. 


"Poseidon's girl?"


"You're pretty."

"Thank you." 

Our conversation literally lasted ten seconds. That's how quick I answered her questions. By now, my hands were sweating and my head was spinning. What in the world is Aphrodite doing here?


Hey guys,

So here is the second chapter!! HUZZAH! Sorry for the long wait, I've been super busy. 



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