Percy Jackson Fan Fiction - Just Hear Her Out

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"Okay, I'm back!" Jamie exclaimed as she ran up to me and Aphrodite. Amy trailed along behind her.

"Who is that?" Amy asked me, her eyes assessing Aphrodite.

"Aphrodite, Goddess of Love and Beauty," I answered.

"Hi," Amy greeted Aphrodite with a confident smile,"I'm Amy."

"I know," Aphrodite replied,"You are my daughter and I am fairly certain that Tom named you Amy." Amy froze. Her entire body froze and it felt like we all just hit a wall of tension.

"You're my mother?" Amy asked quietly.

"Why of course! Where did you think you got your good looks from?" Aphrodite boasted. I rolled my eyes.

"Dad isn't hideous you know," Amy defended her father.

"Oh, I know."

The silence that followed was deafening. Both ladies stared at each other. It felt like an eternity before Jamie interrupted.

"So, um Lady Aphrodite...why are you here?" Jamie asked hesitantly. She was visibly shaking. I scurried towards her.

"I'm here on special buisness," Aphrodite suddenly turned serious, tearing her gaze away from her daughter.

"Care to share?" I asked coldly. This lady was getting on my nerves.

"Well," Aphrodite narrowed her eyes at me, "As I'm sure you know, satyrs have been behind lately do to the fact that your brother wanted all the half-bloods to be claimed."

"Yes," I answered, not liking where she was going.

"Well Zeus has sent me here to tell you three that the satyrs need help," Aphrodite continued.

"I'm well aware," I said.

"Honey, you three are the "help" he was talking about," Aphrodite said with a sassy tone.

"Why us?" Amy protested.

"Who knows? Zeus is a strange guy. Normally, it was supposed to just be Jamie and Jasmine but since Amy was claimed, I decided to let one of my daughters get some glory and honor too!"

"Amy? Glory and honor? HA! All she wants is a pedicure!" I exclaimed.

"Oh shut up mermaid," Amy retorted.

"Is that seriously the best comeback you can think of?" I shot back.

"Is that your best comeback?" Amy retorted.

"You're insufferable!!!" I yelled.

"Okay, girls calm yourselves. Just pack a backpack, you're leaving tomorrow morning. I have to go inform Chiron," Aphrodite interrupted. With that, she disappeared with a shot of glitter.

"Wait you didn't explain the whole quest yet!" Jamie shouted.

"You are worse than your mom," I told Amy.

"Oh my god, Jasmine just leave it! I'm prettier than you, cry a river, build a bridge, get over it!!"

"Yeah well, I may not have gorgeous hair or a perfect body, but I can change those things. You can't change the fact that you have an ugly heart." and with that, I walked away.


I stalked back to my cabin, slamming the door shut, startling Percy.

"What's up your behind?" he asked, raising his eyebrows. I walked over to his bed, plunking down next to him.

"Aphrodite just visited," I answered. Percy grimaced.

"What'd she want?"

"Jamie, Amy, and I to go on this quest. We have to find some half-bloods for the satyrs, with them being behind and stuff," I explained.

"Why is Amy going with you guys?" he asked, bewildered.

"Her mom wants to prove that she's more than just a pretty face."

"Well go pack a backpack, I have to meet up with Annabeth," Percy ordered me. I sighed and got to work.


Hey guys!

I'm so so so so so sorry for the late update. I know, I know, I need to write more. But seriously today was my last day of school! So I will definitely be writing more now! Expect faster updates! And if I don't upload within two weeks, somebody scold me. Thank you for the positive feedback, by the way. You guys are lovely :)



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