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I walked into the bathroom. There was a huge makeup area. It was like one of those makeup counters at the mall.

 It was like one of those makeup counters at the mall

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It had everything. I wish my sister was here now. She would love this.

I walked out of the bathroom and sat at the end of the bed. I looked at the large scar on my arm. Tears came flooding down my face. My sister had a matching scar on her arm.

Hours later//
I was curled up in a ball crying. The sun had already come up. I felt so tired but every time I closed my eyes they burned. I walked over to the mirror. My eyes were bloodshot red.

I looked everywhere for eye drops but I couldn't find any

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I looked everywhere for eye drops but I couldn't find any. I decided to go to the closet to choose what to wear.

I walked into the closet and it was absolutely gorgeous.

I picked out a dark green jumper with holes in it, leggings and white Stan Smiths

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I picked out a dark green jumper with holes in it, leggings and white Stan Smiths.

I picked out a dark green jumper with holes in it, leggings and white Stan Smiths

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I walked downstairs and into the kitchen. Grayson was cooking something. "Hey, do you um have eye drops?" I asked playing with my fingers.

He turned around to face me. "What happened to your eyes?" He asked walking towards me. I took a few steps back as he got closer to me. "I had a bad night" I replied as Grayson placed his hands onto my cheeks.

"I'll get you some now" he replied walking over to a cabinet in the corner of the kitchen.

"Here" he said handing me the eye drops. "There's a mirror on the wall in the living room if you want to see what you're doing" he said pointing in the direction of the living room.

"Thanks" I said walking to the living room with the eye drops.

I walked into the living room and up to the large mirror. I put two drops into each eye. I closed the lid of the eye drops and walked back to the kitchen.

I placed the eyedrops on the counter and sat at the table. "Do you want pancakes?" Grayson asked putting pancakes on a plate.

"Yes please" I said resting my head onto my hand. He handed me a plate of pancakes. He grabbed a plate for himself and sat in front of me.

"Is there anything you want from your house?" Grayson asked taking a bite of his pancake. "My little sister" I replied trying my best not to tear up.

"Why can't your sister stay with your parents?" He asked looking me straight in the eyes.

"My dad killed my mom and he raped my sister and I many times" I said letting a tear slip down my cheek.

He shot up out of his chair and pulled me into a hug. I felt so protected even though he was so dangerous.

"We're going to get your sister now" he said grabbing his car keys and making his way outside. I followed him and hopped into the car.

"What's your address?" He asked starting his car. I told him my address.

We pulled up at my house. The door wasn't locked so I was able to open it. Grayson was behind me.

I opened the door and heard crying coming from upstairs. I ran up the stairs and barged into my little 3 year old sisters room.

My dad was ripping her clothes off as she kicked and screamed. I ran over to her and pulled her away from her.

Grayson jumped onto my dad and started beating him up. "Go to the car I'll be back in a minute" he shouted.

I ran downstairs with my crying sister in my arms. I went out to the car and put my sister into the back.

A few minutes later Grayson came down. He got in the car and started driving.

He didn't say a word as we pulled up into the house.

I'm happy that my sister is safe now.

<><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>hope you liked this chapter lyl <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>

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