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I woke up to see a naked Grayson next to me. I shot up out of the bed and ran to my clothes. I put them on and ran out of the room.

I ran into my room and into my closet to change clothes. I can't believe I done it with a murderer. I'm definitely going to hell.

I picked out a cute outfit. And took a picture.

I walked out of the closet and into my room

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I walked out of the closet and into my room. "Morning Tessa" Bella said stretching her arms out and yawning. "Morning princess" I said cuddling into her.

"Are you hungry?" I asked brushing her black curly hair out of her face. "Yeah I'm starving" she said holding her stomach.

"Come on let's get you something to eat" I said holding her hand getting off my bed.

We walked down the stairs and into the kitchen. "Do you want lucky charms?" I asked taking a bowl out of one of the cabinets. "Duh. Is that even a question" she said giggling.

I laughed at her and poured her a bowl of lucky charms. I gave her, her break fast and leaned on the counter on my phone.

I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist. "Morning baby girl" Grayson said turning me around so that I was facing him.

"Morning" I said smiling. "Last night was fun" he said biting his lip. "I know right. That movie was so good" Bella said making me and Grayson laugh.

"Yeah it was amazing" I said smirking at Grayson.

He pressed his soft plump lips onto mine. I kissed him back. "Eww you guys are gross" Bella said pretending to be sick. "Shut up" I said laughing.

*knock knock knock*

Grayson let go of my waist and walked to the front door. I could hear people talking but I couldn't make out what they were saying.

Then Grayson and a guy that looked nearly exactly like him walked through the door. "This is my brother Ethan" Grayson said introducing us to Ethan. "This is my girlfriend Tessa and her little sister Bella" she said smiling.

Girlfriend. So we're a thing. God I'm so confused.

"Hey" I said giving Ethan a hug. "What's up" he said hugging me back. I pulled away and Bella walked over to him.

"What's up bro I'm Bella" she said pretending to be a guy. We all laughed at her stupidity. "Sup dawg I'm Ethan" Ethan said crouching down and fist bumping her.

"You and I are going to do fun things today" Ethan said pinching Bella's nose.

"Yayyyyyy" she squealed jumping up and down. "Well Tessa and I are going to go now. Have fun" Grayson said holding my hand and walking out of the kitchen.

We walked to the car and got in. "So I'm your girlfriend" I said smirking. "Now you are" he said kissing my lips. I smiled.

Grayson started the car and drove to the mall. We arrived at the mall. We got out of the car and walked hand in hand into the mall.

Back at home//
I got home and put away all the things we got. I bought a few pregnancy tests since we didn't use a condom. Ethan is going to be staying with us for a while.

I walked downstairs into the living room. Grayson came in after me and sat beside me. "Gray?" I asked. "Yeah" he replied brushing a strand of hair out of my face.

"What age are you?" I asked curiously. "I'm 21. What age are you?" He asked. "I'm 17 turning 18 next month" I replied fiddling with my fingers.

"Not that much of an age gap" Grayson said laughing making me chuckle to.

"Gray I don't feel good I'm gonna go to bed now" I said standing up. "Night baby girl love you" he said giving me a kiss before I ran up to my room.

I put on my pyjamas and got into bed.

Eventually I fell asleep.

<><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> next chapter is going to be good👌🏽

I've fallen for a murderer // GBDWhere stories live. Discover now