Chapter 7:

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Above is Katherine Mcnamara who plays Irene Lawson.

For those of you wondering, no Kristina Romanova does not play Evelyn Belrose, but I just used her in the header of the first chapter just for a visual.

In my opinion there's no actress, model or any celebrity who fits the description of Evelyn perfectly so I just decided to leave it to the reader's imagination and my own, too.

In my mind Evelyn Belrose is around 5'8 or 5'9 with chestnut hair and amber/honey colored eyes.

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed my previous chapters and prepare to enjoy another one :)


 The one good thing that came out of this morning's talk with Jace's friends was that Evelyn found out that she and Victoria and Irene shared the same first period class and they sat next to each other in AP US History. 

There was something about Irene that Evelyn didn't particularly like, something that stimulated from mere gut feeling, but Victoria was nice enough and the three of them found good conversation when talking about a subject they both found common ground on; Jace Westfall.

Evelyn was vaguely aware of how the conversation might look to an outsider.

Three teenage girls gossiping about a hot guy. But it was Irene who initiated the conversation and brought Jace up and since Evelyn was slightly curious about him, she didn't see anything negative about pressing on the subject.

She was quick to spot out suggestive body language though, that pointed towards Irene having a crush on Jace, no matter how many times she claimed, "He's so arrogant, though! And he's a player, too!"

Truth be told, Evelyn silently suffered from second-hand embarrassment at how obvious Irene was being, sometimes she had to bite the inside of her cheek to keep from laughing. 

She wondered how Irene got to be included in Jace's friend circle, but didn't have to wait long to find out the answer.

"How long have you guys known each other?" asked Evelyn casually, tapping her pencil against the desk while trying to analyze the historical documents their history teacher had provided for them.

"Oh God, I think, about ten years this year, I think." Victoria furrowed her brows and delicately inserted the cap onto her highlighter that she had been using. "Our parents are friends and we met in first grade."

"I've known him for five years." answered Irene, lazily doodling a sketch on her paper, clearly more intent on talking about a boy than doing her work.

"I heard his entire family is really smart." Evelyn said carefully, looking at Irene for a reaction to prove her hypothesis.

"Oh yes, they're super smart." Irene exclaimed before Victoria could open her mouth. "They're like a family of geniuses or something. Did you know that Jace already finished his SATs last year? Guess what he got?"

How'd you know about this? Evelyn wondered. One look at Victoria's expression signaled that she, Jace's childhood best friend, hadn't known about this information either.

"1600. Full score." she finishes. Irene must've realized how eager she sounded because then she regained a more casual expression, "I mean, with those private tutors he had when he was a kid, and private school education, no doubt anyone would've got a good score."

Then explain to me, rich bitch, how you failed your AP Chemistry exam last year even though you spent months studying and preparing with all those workbooks and prep sessions your family sent you to.

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