Chapter 12:

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Wow! So many of you guys are reading my story now! It's amazing though, even though I've only started this story barely a month ago. Your comments really make my day and feel free to leave give me advice too, on parts that I could fix. I might edit this book when I finish it, although there's still a very long way to go. Guess what though: I have an idea on how this story is going to progress and end, although I'm not yet sure how many chapters it will have. There's a lot going on in this story, so it could be a long while... not sure if that's good news or bad news.

Anyways, I'm a big fan of plot twists, so I'll leave you with this: there's someone here that you really shouldn't trust. It will be revealed later on....

Above is Lili Reinhart who will be playing Hannah Robertson, a character that you guys have been briefly introduced to, but might play an important role later on. 

Hope you enjoy this chapter!


 She ignored the stares that were thrown her way, keeping a scowl on her face to let the rest of the world know that she was pissed. It was better than putting on a blank face, anyway. Sometimes, blank faces were even more likely to make other people assume you were guilty. Evelyn felt that if she looked angry, people would think it was because she was pissed that a fake rumor was being spread about her. Of course, others could also assume that she was mad because her 'secret' had leaked, but there was still hope that they wouldn't think that and would assume the former instead. 

Evelyn knew that it wasn't enough though. She needed something more efficient to stop the rumor from going around. She contemplated whether or not to consult Aidan, someone she actually trusted. Actually, the only person she really trusted.

"Evelyn, is this you?" Hannah asked her in AP English, holding up the picture on her phone.

"Hannah, I'm so tired of everyone asking me the same exact question," Evelyn flashed her an irritated look. "I'm going to let you answer that question. Am I really the kind of person who would do something like that?"

"No," she replied, no hesitation.

Evelyn softened a little. Perhaps she had taken Hannah for granted in the past. The girl was an incorrigible chatterbox, but deadly loyal to her friends, although Evelyn had never really considered her one. Maybe Hannah could actually help her. 

"Hannah, can I please ask you something?" she hated that she had to beg, but this was Hannah. She was a bubbly, friendly girl who would never betray someone she considered a friend.

"Yeah, anything." answered Hannah.

"Look, do any of the other girls know?" asked Evelyn. "Beth? Bridget? Our whole gang?"

"I'm not sure." she told her. "I don't think Beth knows yet. She wasn't at the party anyway, and she doesn't use social media that much."

"Social media?" Evelyn couldn't disguise the note of panic in her voice now. "The picture hasn't just been sent over text, but it's on social media platforms like Instagram and Snapchat now?"

"Not on Instagram, no." Hannah said sympathetically, genuinely seeming to feel sorry for Evelyn.

Evelyn secretly regretted the past two years when she had formed rather unkind opinions about her. 

"It was on somebody's story on Snapchat." she told Evelyn.

"Whose?" she asked cautiously.

"Amber Li." said Hannah.

"Amber?" Evelyn furrowed her eyebrows and looked down at her worksheet to make it seem like she was doing work when the teacher passed by. "We've hardly even talked before. Was it only on her story?"

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