chapter 12

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Dean POV

While Dean was at that's party all he could think about was Castiel. Why would Crowley hurt him well Castiel is human and Crowley hates humans with a passion so probably why.

But he has no reason to do that. I got brought out of my thoughts when I felt a hand on my shoulder I turned around to see its was Sam. He had a concerned look on his face he ask if I was okay. I look at him and gave him a smile that says I'm okay. He smiles and says well that's nice to know anyways Dean why aren't you out trying to get with a girl. I stop and look at him for a second and say well u see Sammy I don't feel like getting into anyone's pants tonight and I wink at him. He gives me a look of disgust and walks way while I stood there laughing.

The party's kinda boring and I don't feel like hang out with anyone's so I decided to ditch the party.


When I got out of my baby aka known as my 1967 Chevy impala that's looks good as new to. It took about and hour to get back to the castle and I stayed there for about 2 hours so I think Cas would be asleep by now. Plus he mite have a aching ribs.

So when I get to my room I have pain killers a sandwich and water from him to drink. When I  walked in he was still asleep he looks so beautiful a sleep he looks at peace. I walk over to him and sat on the bed next to him and whispered in his ear for him to get up. It took a few moment for his eyes to start to open. He looked up at me and smiled and said hey  there prince charming he said. I smile and said hey and gave him some pain killers he took then and swallowed them easily.

After he was done eating I asked why did uncle Crowley do this to you. He looked at me and said he was running and didn't watch were he was going and ran into Crowley and he got mad. Dean was mad no he was beyond mad he just want to shoot Crowley in the face over and over again until he died but he couldn't. He got snapped out his thoughts when Castiel touched him.

Dean look at Castiel hand and then Castiel soon realized what he's done and moved his hand. Then Dean grabs Cas hand and kisses it. He then looked at Cas to see him blushing like crazy. Dean smiled a little and kept kissing Cas up his arm to his neck all way up to his lips. At first Castiel didn't seem to do anything until Dean felt Cas kisses back and that made him smile.

When Dean pulled away from the kiss Castiel whimpered a little and he smiled at that. Dean felt something for Castiel that he never felt before really. The only person Dean cared a lot about is his brother Sam and Castiel now. Dean promised himself that he'll protected and love Castiel.

Wow things are getting serious here with Dean and Castiel I hope it stays that way. Hope you enjoy it I mean idk if I was good enough. 💖

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