The Meadow

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           Eva sat in her garden, tending to her various herbs and flowers that would soon be ingredients for dreams. She smiled to herself thinking about the night before. She stayed for a while and watched Semyaza sleep. He looked happy, a ghost of a smile graced his dark features as he slept. "I must've made him so happy." She giggled to herself; talking to her flowers usually made them grow better. "What dream should I make for him tonight?" Eva asked her chamomile. "Maybe a dream where we're in a meadow of wild flowers." She suggested to the plants who didn't respond. A gentle breeze blew whispers through the leaves of the small plants. Eva put down her watering can and adjusted her hat that protected her pale skin from burning. "That would be nice." She tapped her chin.

Back in his home, Semyaza curled his knees up to his chest in bed as he thought about the dreams he had the night before. It'd been a very long time since he had anyone remember him. He was scared of being remembered again. What if he got hurt like last time? But another part anticipated being remembered, even if it was by a literal woman of his dreams. He lightly poked at a pentagram that was carved into his upper thigh, the memory still etched into his mind much like the star to his thigh. " wouldn't hurt to be remembered again." Semyaza mumbled to himself, remembering how warm and friendly it felt being in the woman's presence.

Eva began her rounds that night, little did she know Semyaza had retired early that evening, eager to meet her in his dreams once more. Eva performed the same procedure that she'd done the night before. Her potion tonight was made with a base of warmth, she then added various flowers from her garden to create the scene. She also added various herbs to make Semyaza feel comfortable and relaxed. She giggled gently as her hair glimmered once more, the pleasant feeling of another good dream washed over her as she prepared for another visit to the angel.

The angel was sitting in the middle of the meadow with colorful flowers surrounding him. He was suspicious and wondered if this would be similar to last night's dream. Or if last night's dream was just a cruel trick his brain conducted to make him feel loved, but he'll never have that dream again. His white eyes looked back and forth, trying to find the dream woman to dispel his doubts. Suddenly something was dropped onto his head and drooped over his brow. He looked to the source and saw a familiar pale, smiling face. "Hi~" She said full of cheer. Semyaza was surprised to see her, but wondered why this woman could be so smiley. Not that he didn't like it, but why? And why around him? Eva walked around him and sat by his side like before, only this time she was wearing a pastel sun dress with a flower crown adorning her head. Semyaza assumed that was what she dropped on his head as well. He looked at her through his lashes, "Who are you?" Eva looked confused and was about to respond until, "I mean...who are you really? Why do you want to be my friend?" He asked. Eva bit at the inside of her cheek. "I'm a...a friend." She began. "And I want to be your friend seem lonely." She looked at him with a sad look which made him look away. Eva continued, "You looked so happy last night when I visited you. I liked seeing you like that instead of being so sad."

Semyaza felt his face heat up a little. Eva smiled but then frowned and quirked an eyebrow. "Why do you ask?" Semyaza shifted on the grass and looked down. "Who would really want to be my friend? I'm a nobody." He grumbled, picking at some blades of grass. "I've been broken and forgotten like a toy. You don't want to be friends with me." Eva gently laid her hand on his shoulder. "But I do, I-" He shook his head. "You don't." He tried to look at her but the sadness on her face was too much to bare. He sighed. "Do you want to know where these came from?" He pointed to the pentagrams carved in various places on his body. "I know you've seen them. They're kind of hard not to notice." He pointed at the star on his cheek as an example. Eva was curious, but knew curiosity could lead to trouble. She slowly nodded. Semyaza dove into the memory he'd had implanted in his mind ever since it occurred. "I used to be an angel. An actual one, one that's remembered and that everyone knows." He began. " night I was summoned to an unusual area. Someone prayed for me so I came. I didn't think much about it." He shrugged. "But then..." He gulped, Eva laid her hand on his arm for support. "I was summoned by occultists...and they...sacrificed me for some ritual." He finished, looking away and waiting for judgement; but it never came. He was only wrapped by the arms of the dream maker and held closely. "I'm so sorry." Semyaza didn't know what to think or do. No one had treated him with such care and sympathy in a very long time. He couldn't doubt that it felt nice, warm even. He remembered a time when hugs and affection came from his many brothers and sisters daily. But now they, like the humans, didn't even know he existed. Semyaza very slowly hugged back, unable to deter if he'd be pushed away; however previous observation of the dream maker proved that she wouldn't. Evangeline smiled and nuzzled closer to him, making the once angel blush.

Semyaza's eyes slowly began to open, warm sun hitting his face. Morning had come and he was now awake. "No, no, no!" He sat up and looked around. Why was it that when he finds someone that makes him feel loved and needed, it has to be an illusion? Tears gathered at the corners of his milky eyes, soon they fell down his face. "Why can't she stay?" He whimpered, covering his face to prevent more tears from falling; he failed at doing so. "Why does it have to be a dream? Why can't she be here with me, and brighten up my awful life?" He sniffed and laid back down, the pillow catching his tears. "Maybe if I slept longer..." He thought. Then Semyaza remembered the medicine woman in town. "I wonder if she..." He thought out loud once more, wiping his nose. Semyaza had a plan, but only time will tell what extent he'll go to for a dream with Evangeline. For love, acceptance, and a pale, smiling face.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2017 ⏰

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