Chapter 1: I wish that was me

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You were in love with Princess Anna.
She was just perfect. For you. You wanted her all for yourself and just yours but she was with someone else which broke your heart in two.

The day when she kissed his lips, Your world teared apart.

Oh how you wish that was you.

He does all the things, You knew that you couldn't do. He looks at her the way that you would.

You tries to just move on from her but you couldn't. Your heart wanted her and only her.

The heart wants what it wants.
You stood there watching every one skate happily, You then spotted Anna. So beautiful and elegant. You wanted to tell her so much that she was perfect the way she was but you were too much of a coward to actually look her in the eye.

You obviously didn't know how to skate because you were never taught.
You were the only one standing there.

She looked at you and smiled. You smiled back, Your face going all red.

Anna skated over to your direction which made you freeze in place.

" Hey, Why aren't you skating "? She asked.

You shrugged, " I have no idea how to skate". She grabbed your hand and you could of sworn your heart stopped for a second, " I was taught by my older sister.... Hey, what if I teach you"?

You laughed nervously, " I don't kn-". She interrupted by her tugging you to the icy courtyard. Words could not explain how happy you felt.

" Don't worry, Just hold on to me... I won't let you fall".

' I won't let go' you thought.
An entire hour had past and you and Anna were still skating. Still very close.

You didn't want this chance with the Princess to go to waste.

Just then a manly hands got a grip on Anna's hips. It was none other than her so called boyfriend. They've been dating for quite a while now.

You mouthed a thank you to her before letting go and skated away.

Someone grabbed your hand and spun you around, It was one of your friends, Mark.

" Hey, Y/N"! He smiled at you.

You give him a weak smile, " Hey...".

Mark brushed some H/C hair from your reddened face, " Are you okay"?

You look over to Anna and her boyfriend laughing and you turn back to mark, " No...".

I wish (Anna X Female Reader) ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now