chapter 2: So beautiful

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That name spun around your head over and over.

Her voice was like music to your ears.
You'd listen to her for hours.

"Mark, How am I supposed to make the princess fall for me? How is that even possible"? You asked.

You were at Mark's house since you had no where else to be...Maybe in Anna's arms. The chances of that happening are in 50 million to one.

" Y/N, Yesterday,  She asked you to skate with her, There has to be something to do with her liking you".

You shook your head, " Mark, She has a boyfriend! Just give it up already, Its useless "! Mark put an arm around your shoulder, " Okay, What is so amazing about this princess anyway"?

You furrowed your eyebrows, " Just because your from a different village does not mean you get to say that". He put his hands in defense, " Calm down, I was just asking"! You looked away, " Sorry".

" Hey, I have an idea so crazy it just might work"? Mark said. You bit your lip, " Let me hear it". He rubbed his hands in a way that caused you to scoot a bit from him, " Okay, What's with with the weird smile"? Mark chuckled,  " You get creeped out so easily....anyway, Why don't you just go to the ball there having tomorrow night pretending to be a handsome and try to make Anna fall in love with you ".

You raised an eyebrow,  " Um... And how is dressing up like a man going to change the way Anna feels about me"?

" Hey, I will make sure you are the most handsome prince Arendelle has ever seen "!

You laughed,  " Hopefully".

Mark gestured for you to follow him, Since you were at his house, He led you to his wardrobe, " Let me see... No... that one...ah ha"!  He pulled out a breathtaking suit that probably hasn't been used for a while.

" Woah... When did you start buying expensive clothing "? You asked as you admired it.

Mark shrugged,  " My mother bought it for me for special occasions but since you need it I will let you borrow it".

He kept on talking. Honestly you weren't listening to him. You were lost in thought.

' Just hold on to me'.

Those words Anna said to you yesterday were bouncing in your head.

' So beautiful ' . You thought as you pictured her in your head. Don't you always picture her in your head... Probably...

I wish (Anna X Female Reader) ON HOLDOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora