IT'S ALWAYS YOU #LoveConversationContest

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Sarah: "Don't you ever get tired of doing that every day?"

Bianca: "Nope, this is my way of showing him how I really cared for him"

Sarah: "Preparing for food for him every day? Even if he didn't eat it, hey I'm sorry but you know that he don't like you right? He can't even look you in the eye when you talk to him."

Bianca: "Why are we friends again?"

Sarah: "Come on Bianc's, you know that everything I said is real! Isn't this eye opening to you that he has no interest on you?"

Bianca: "I know that, that's why I am trying my freaky best just for him to know that I exist!"

Sarah: "Believe me Bianc's, I'm sure that he knows you exist!"

Bianca: "Can you just pretend that you support me?"

Sarah: "I am Bianca, I really am. It's just that you are spending your time too much with someone who is not worth fighting for...See, did he ever once told you that he appreciate everything you made for him? No. Did you ever see him eat the food you made for him? No. Did you ever see him look at you? No. Because he doesn't care at all Bianca, I just don't want you to get hurt."

Bianca: "I know where are you coming from Sarah, but just give me this one. I believe that someday, everything will be fine and we will be together.

Sarah: "Fine, I'll just pretend that this never happened. Again."

Bianca: "Thanks Sarah! You're the best friend ever!"

Bianca: "Hi Alex! I made you something! Tada!"

Alex: "I'm not hungry."

Bianca: "Please? Just taste it! I made it for you Alex!"

Alex: "I told you I'm not hungry."

Bianca: "Oh come on, this is your favorite before-"

Alex: "Bianca, I told you I'm not hungry and that's not my favorite anymore..."

Bianca's house

Sarah: "See I told you, it's not worth it!"

Bianca: "I just wanted to make him happy you know..."

Sarah: "But it's not Bianca, you need to stop this."

Bianca: "I'm not; I'll try other things just to make him smile again."

Sarah: "Sometimes I don't know if you're crazy or what..."

Bianca: "I'm crazy for him Sarah; he is like my drugs..."

Sarah: "Don't use that word again, I'd rather you telling me that he is your air that you breathe but whatever, he is not worth it Bianca."

Bianca: "If I could just turn back the time,"

Sarah: "What, you now regret that you never gave him a chance before when he confessed you that he likes you?"

Bianca: "As much as I hate to say it, I really do. I regret how I've been such a selfish by not giving him a chance but I have my reasons you know,"

Sarah: "That is?"

Bianca: "That is because Isabella had something for him before..."

Sarah: "I get you now...I miss her."

Bianca: "Yeah, it's been one year already. I miss her too."

Sarah: "It's been one year and it feels just like yesterday... I remember when we are at the funeral looking at her lying there is a nightmare for me."

Bianca: "Yes, that's the reason why I refused talking to Alex because I knew that she will be sad. She likes him so much, she dreamt of dating her and everything that's why I made a step back there back then."

Sarah: "I remember that, I thought you just don't like him. Now everything makes sense to me now and I apologize for everything I've just said. It was out of line."

Bianca: "That's okay; Isabella doesn't know anything about my feelings towards Alex. You know at the same time; I was glad that I made Isabella happy even for a while. I remember how she wouldn't stop talking how nice person Alex is."

Sarah: "Yeah, she won't stop giggling that night. It was lasted only for days as far as I remember."

Bianca: "Yes, she said that she doesn't like him anymore. Even if she's sick, she's still that bratty girl"

Sarah: "If she's just here, I'm sure she'll just roll her eyes on us and yet, still says that;

Bianca and Sarah: "I always thank God that they gave me you two!"

Bianca: "Come on, and visit her on Saturday. She's probably missing her gorgeous friends already."

Sarah: "We should!"

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