Chapter 3: In Our Loving Moment Pt. 3

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She smiled and leaned her cheek into my hand. My eyes began to water as I felt how soft her skin was.

"I'm real, I swear to god for the rest of our lives I will always be real" Amber said holding my hand closely to her cheek and I felt warmth and my lips quivered as I studied her. She wore a beautiful long red dress with no straps and my mouth watered which caused her to blush and say "not yet honey that comes later."

I smiled and looked into her eyes then her mother cleared her throat which caused me to snap my hand back and I turned to face her.

Amber's mom was a little bit less than 5'6 with brown hair and hazel eyes with flawless facial features, she looked 22 with a bust that was to die for but it still didn't compare to Amber's.

She looked at me with a smile and said "dearly departed we are here today too finally witness after a long 171 years, the claiming ceremony of my oldest daughter Amber to her long awaited mate Veronica. As you all know the claiming ceremony is one of the most important events in a vampire's life as they will feed on their mate for the first time" she said which caused me to go rigid as I remembered the pain I felt in my dreams but no one seemed to notice my nervousness as Ambers mom continued "it will signify the vampires eternal claim on their lovers body and soul which can never be broken. Today we watch as a beautiful flower whose beauty has been taken for granted by the living be cherished by the dead, never again will these two lovers ever wonder who they are meant to be with, never again will they feel sorrow or loneliness for now and for the rest of time they will feel nothing but love for one another". I took a gulp as my hands began to tremble in fear as she looked at me then turned at amber and said "for nearly two centuries my beautiful daughter, I have watched you weep in sorrow and misery as you watched both of your younger sisters claim their mates, as they married and turned them. And though you were happy for them you were also filled with envy and hate as you wondered and argued why you hadn't felt your mate, then miraculously on one fateful night nearly 18 years ago you felt Veronica's presence in the world the moment she was conceived and you simply jumped for joy. You watched her birth, you watched her blow out her first candle, you've seen her on her first day of school, and you listened to her play her guitar from the moment she first picked it up when she was six. You've watched her sleep everyday since she was born, you've watched her weep when she fell and you wanted to help her rise, you watched her smile and laugh and you wished for it to be you that made her feel happiness. Ever since she was born you were there watching and enjoying her life with her from the shadows and I've never been more happy to tell any of my children that those days are gone, that you will never have to enjoy Veronica's life from the shadows again. That from this day forward you can live your life with her in the light, right by her side where you belong." She said and I looked at Amber and I wanted to kiss her so bad and tell her how much I cared about her. but her mother continued "Now we all know the answer to this most important question but I must ask this, do you Amberella Elizabeth Heart love this woman all of your essence?"

Amber turned to me and held my shaking hands and said looking directly into my eyes "I Amberella Elizabeth Heart love this woman with every inch of my essence and soul and I promise to fill her with love so long as we both shall live."

Her mom turned to me and said "Veronica everyone in this room as watched you grow up and become the woman you are today. We have made sure that you have grown to be a strong and beautiful mate for our daughter. Know that you are not standing here today by chance or by a draw of bad luck, you are here today because fate wished you to be the one who brought happiness into my daughter's life, those dreams you have with my daughter are proof of that. And we want you to know that we love you as if you were our own and that your parents allowed us to take you from your former life for they understood that you belonged to us and Amber. But do not think they did not love you, and do not think you were abandoned by those you held dear, for they are the ones who made you who you are today, for that you must praise the time you shared with them and cherish the time you are going to spend with Amber. And now I only ask you one simple question, do you Veronica Snow White love my daughter with all your essence? And do you promise to feed her thirst for love and blood for as long as you both shall live?"

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