Chap 5

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Ally's Pov
"Cassidy, what do you want." I spat at the girl stood in the doorway.
"Bit young to get married aren't we?" She asked laughing.
"Cassidy, that is really none of your business. Get your long, bitchy nose out of our lives. Got it? Good." Austin said putting his arm around me.
"Oh i don't think you get it, Nobody wants Dorkson here and she knows it. Everybody is talking about her behind her back, her boyfriend never loved her and her parents left her through a note. Face it Nerd, you shouldn't be here, at this school, in this city, in this world. Nobody would care if you jumped off a cliff. Well except for Austy here but he would move on quicker than fleas on dogs." She said walking closer to me. She's right. I really wanted to burst in to tears there and then but i would just look weak.
"Wait how did you know about my parents?" I asked.
"Have you not seen around school? A nerd who doesn't pay attention at school, i need to tell Dal! Anyway me and him posted your little letter from your awesome parents just to show you how unloved you are. This is where you run off crying, bye, go kill yourself!" She smirked showing me the letter my parents left.
"You know what, maybe i will!" I said running out. I wanted to see what she said to Austin so i stood outside the door.
"Woops!" She said in hysterics.
"You know what Cassidy. You are such a bitch i don't know how you are so popular. Your little stunts you and Dallas have been pulling are unacceptable.I love Ally more than anybody else or anything else in this whole universe and you have been slowly tearing her down. The other day she woke me up crying her eyes out because of your stupid tweets. You have what, 4 followers? Kira, Dallas, Brooke and your mum. Woah big deal. Meanwhile Ally is the most beautiful girl, inside and out, i have ever met. If you ever and i mean EVER touch her or call her names again, you will not live to see tomorrow. Got it?" Austin shouted at her.
"Actually, i have 6 followers, Trent and Elliot. And trust me honey, she will be the one not to live the light of day. Shouldn't you go after her, while doing that long boring speech she could've jumped off a bridge and it would've been all your fault. Go Austy, run."
At that i started running, i have no where to go. I'm always scared my dad will be home and he will do something bad to me. He could come home anytime. Scary thought. I love Austin but Cassidy is right. I have nothing to live for. Lost in thought and my eyes becoming cloudy with tears, I ran out in to the road to see a car with it's bright headlights on. This is it, my break. So close to paradise when i feel two strong arms grab me and pull me away, pulling me in to a tight hug. That was when i knew it was Austin. I looked up at him to see tears in his eyes. I closed mine and cried in to his chest. I just can't get any happiness around here.

Okayy well that was another chapter! I don't know if anybody is actually reading it if not then this is really awkward! Don't worry, things will get better for Ally! I also forgot to say in the last chapter, i don't own those songs, the first one is 'Don't wanna be torn' by Miley Cyrus and the second one is 'Heaven' by Dj Sammy. If you haven't heard those songs i seriously recommend you go on youtube NOW! Sorry if my chapters are kinda depressing, one of my close friends has gone missing so i'm not really myself at the moment. I'm really sorry. Love you💕

Nobody Said It Was Easy (Austin and Ally Fanfiction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora