Thirty: Silence

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My cat just died. I really hope it doesn't give this chapter a depressing undertone. Sorry if it does, I might rewrite it. (Edit: I did. Also, thanks for 811 reads! <3)

Dan POV:

Laura and Janna are sitting on a couch next to a very oddly placed lamp chatting. Kyle is in the kitchen cooking a pasta dish. Kyle is talking about the bird, so I "uh-huh" periodically. Not listening to him at all. I'm eavesdropping onto Janna and Laura's conversation. I only hear part of a phrase, which is Janna asking her about her school. 

"It's better than my old one. My math teacher assigned a crap-load of homework over the holiday break." Laura replies. Kyle starts imitating Janna's screams of horror, (She doesn't like birds), so I can't hear anything else. 

"So how did you get the bird out?" I ask again. 

"I found a a piñata stick and went to town." Kyle says. I genuinely laugh, imagining the scene play out. 

Laura POV:

"So, do you like shopping?" Janna asks me. Do I be honest? Do I lie? Do I stay neutral? 

"Yeah..." Is the first word to come out of my mouth. Crap. I should've gone for the last option. I want to say that my mom took me shopping all the time, which she did, but I don't want to mention her. "I went shopping with my old squad all the time." And by squad, I mean all the rejects. The four of us (Me, Jenna, Kaylee, and Maddy) would go to the mall all the time, just to get kicked out of Hot Topic because we fooled around and never bought anything. 

"And your favorite store?" Janna asks. 

I laugh quietly. "Barnes and Noble." Janna laughs. 

"Are you guys ready to eat?" Kyle says loudly from the kitchen. 

"Yeah, babe!" Janna yells. 

"Fair warning," Janna whispers. "Kyle isn't the best chef." She says, getting off the couch. 

"Speaking as a girl raised on buttered toast and ramen noodles, I don't think I'm super picky." I reply. 

- After Dinner-

(Still Laura POV)

Kyle had just poured drinks for Dan, Janna and himself. They're all laughing, and I'm seated in the corner sipping cranberry juice. Loud music is playing through the speakers in the ceiling. Janna had put her number into my phone during dinner for some reason, but I just went with it. My phone buzzes in my hand. Ugh. Group chat.

Eat-ham: You might be eating dinner currently, but text us when you're free.

MichaelJordan: You idiot! It's like, 11:00 there!

LauraPalmer: It's 7:40.

Eat-ham: HA!

MichaelJordan: What are you up to?

LauraPalmer: We're at his friend's house.

Eat-ham: Cool cool

LauraPalmer: We had pasta.

MichaelJordan: I just came up with the worst pun.


MichaelJordan: Wanna hear it?

LauraPalmer: Please.


MichaelJordan: She thought I couldn't make a car out of spaghetti...


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