Thirty Four: Oblivion

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Dan POV, later that day around 3:00:

I'm so happy Laura forgave Drew. He seems like her only friend that's her age. I'm also happy that the stormers were accepting of Laura. The only thing I'm upset about at the moment is Drew. He had driven Laura to the point of her deliberately hurting herself. I don't think I'll ever be able to forgive that. Laura is in the shower, and I bet her wrist stings with the hot water. My scars are nearly gone. It's been twelve years, anyway. I think I overreacted about Ashley leaving me, but it fucking hurt. When you find someone in the world who seems to understand and value you unconditionally, and then they ditch you, it's not only degrading, but also like a permanent punch in the gut. The punch lasts forever like a hole that eats you slowly and painfully, like your own oblivion. I wrote Oblivion about Ashley, and the daughter that I never knew. The whole fist verse was about long evenings in my house when we had first started dating. The pre chorus was about when she had first left, and I had no idea what she would become. The chorus is about how she was loosing her mind, and I tried to follow her and get her back. The second verse was about me spending months tracking her down, which was extremely difficult due to her and a few friends blocking me on all social media. I eventually tracked her down to a small apartment in Chicago. I've been asked by fans why I picked Sophie Turner to be in the music video for that song, and truthfully, she looks so much like Ashley that I watch Game Of Thrones just for that reason. Of course, I've told all the fans that I'm just a huge fan of her work. It's simpler to lie than dig into the past to my ex girlfriend. This brings me to why I've stayed single all these years. Laura is why. I'm completely paranoid that it'll happen again, or that I would have to explain a bunch of things about Laura. Speak of the devil, she's just entered the kitchen, brushing out her hair. 

"Hey." She says. 

"Hey." I reply. I notice she's wearing a black Adias jacket with white stripes on the sleeves. 

"I like your jacket." I say. 

"Oh thanks-" She says, before she notices I'm wearing the same jacket as her, along with black jeans. We stare at each other with the 'what are we gonna do?' stare for a moment. 

"Well, I'm not changing!" I declare. She unzips her jacket, revealing a pastel blue shirt with a small pocket. 

"There. Different outfits." She says, grinning. I notice the shirt goes a bit lower than it should (for a 12 year old girl) in the front, but I decide to let it go. It's not really my place to say what she can and can't wear. 

"So, um... Do you have a Twitter?" I ask, so I can follow it for the sole purpose of stalking her. 

"Yeah. It's LauraCKS07." She says. 

"Well, 'kay, I'm gonna stalk you now." I say, pulling out my phone. 

"Don't follow me, I don't really want the stormers to figure that out, please." She says. 

"I don't blame you. I'll follow you with my personal Twitter. It's a bunch of numbers, which I haven't memorized." She pulls her phone out of her pocket. 

"Okay." She flips through her Twitter feed. "It was Laura...CK...S07?" I ask. I didn't know if she included the K, which I assume is for Kelly. 

"Found you." I say. Her most recent tweets are the view from her bedroom window, (Which is a very pretty cityscape), a shot of her with Ethan and Michael at a roller skating rink, and a selfie of her and a boy eating ice cream. 

"Is that Drew?" I ask, pointing at the guy in the photo.

"Yup." She says. He has slightly tanned skin, brown eyes, jet black hair, and braces. He is also tagged in the tweet, but I decide not to follow him. 

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