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Sunlight sauntered through white blinds, window coverings that were supposed to block out the vicious bright rays. Tord rubbed the sleep out of his eyes and silently yawned. The sun was nice, being a glorious sphere of hot plasma, somehow seeming to float through the air- if air could even inhabit space, which it can not. But, being over 92 million miles away, anyone would assume it could be less damaging to your eyes and overall comfort. Nonetheless, seeing the sun out for once was enjoyable. The past few days have been nothing but skies full of nimbostratus clouds and precipitation. Today, maybe he could actually go out for a walk without getting soaked two seconds after leaving his bungalow.

He turned and looked to the clock nailed onto the wall, wanting to check the time before anything else. 7:30 in the morning, only two hours until the horned boy's tutor stopped by to get on with his lessons for the day. A slight grin crossed his features, and he hopped into an office-type swivel chair by a near empty desk, sitting in the corner of the clean bedroom. A glittery gel pen in the colour of fuchsia sat on the desk, and he quickly grabbed it, not taking two more moments before he looked to his bare arms. He neatly scribbled a simple, 'Good morning, Herlig'. A few moments passed before he felt the familiar tickling sensation on his arm; a response. 'Morning! It sure is sunny out today.. Still raining for you?' 'No, very sunny here as well.'

Though the two have never met, they write each other constantly. Whether it's on their arms or legs, they find a way. Of course, there is quite the hassle of washing ink off skin everyday, but neither seemed to mind. They were soulmates, anything could work out if they tried enough, together. That was the key word: together. 'Hey, Tordy?' A few words appeared on the Norwegian's arm, but were quickly smudged. Tord waited a few more minutes as Matt slowly figured out what to say- or write, in their case. 'Nevermind..' Tord asked if the ginger was okay, but there were no further responses. He began to grow worried for the boy, but soon enough dismissed it. His soulmate was probably just getting into his studies, as he had talked about a huge test worth half of his final grade- only the night before.

7:52 AM.

Matt looked at his clock and nibbled on his lip, smearing lipstick over his teeth without realizing. After a moment he groaned and licked the beauty product off his pearly whites. "Matt? Breakfast!" One of his friends, Edd, yelled. Edd was the eldest of them, being 18. His other friend, Tom, being 16- just like Matt. Tord is 17, as he had told Matt a week ago; so he was the second eldest. "Okay!" Matt yelled, his voice cracking as usual.

He ran down the steps, leaving quiet thumps behind him. Making it into the kitchen, he saw a plate of chocolate-chip pancakes drowned in syrup. Just the way he liked it. Edd smiled at Matt and sat in his designated seat, munching away at the food rather quickly. Tom looked at Matt with a half lidded gaze and waved, then went back to slowly eating some Eddsworld brand cereal. Matt's stomach rumbled in hunger and he dove in to the delicious breakfast. "Fank yoh, Egg!" Matt cheered with a mouthful of sugary pancakes. Edd grinned, "You're welcome!"

The rest of breakfast was eaten in silence, Tom nearly falling asleep in his cereal bowl a few times. Edd grabbed the dirty dishes and set them in the sink, then turned to face the two younger males. "So. You both have tests coming up, need any help studying?" Tom shrugged and mumbled a, "I'll just wing it," as a reply. Edd frowned but then looked to Matt, "What about you?" The chubby male shook his head 'no', "I can do it! My good luck mirror has been in my pocket for days!" Edd raised a brow, but raised his hands in surrender. "Okay. Good luck, then." Matt squealed a 'thank you', then ran off to go study. Or in his case, stare at his reflection for hours on end at different angles.

9:45 AM

Tord's mentor called in sick, and no other tutors were available at the time. This left him in a bored state, so he slipped a pair of boots on and slid outside. The sun beat down on Tord harshly, it sending heat rays basically right in his direction. However, there was the occasional breeze, which cooled the sweat beads that were forming on his skull. As he looked at the roads ahead of him, he chucked at all of the traffic. "Glad I walked," Tord smiled. All of the sudden, a surging pain shot through his left foot. He gasped in both shock and pain before dropping to the concrete, holding the foot tenderly.

"OW! Tom, please! My foot is stuck!" Matt drawled out, sitting on the floor with his foot stuck in the doorway. "Tom!" He yelled once more, tears prickling his eyes. Edd ran up the steps to see what the commotion was, when he saw Tom trying to shut the door, and Matt with his foot in between the frames. "Tom!" Edd yelled, "Knock it off!" Tom growled, "No! Matt keeps trying to take my mirror!" Silence. "What do you need that for?" "My hair!" Tom screeched, almost sounding like a pterodactyl on steroids. "Matt, leave Tom's mirror alone." "But-" "Matt!"

He nodded quickly, tears streaming down his cheeks from the pain in his foot. Tom let go of the door and opened it, freeing the taller one. When he tried to stand up again, pain shot from his toes up to his ankle. Matt grimaced and held in a sharp cry, tumbling forward. Tom's nonexistent eyes widened and he ran over to help the friend stand, as did Edd. "Okay buddy, let's take you to the hospital," Edd said lightly.

Tord shakily got into his feet and hissed in pain. 'I didn't do anything.. Shoot. Is Matt okay?!' His mind screamed, making him limp on forward. "Hospital. I can get help and write to him there." Cars zoomed by as he crossed the street, narrowly missing a few hits to the backside of his body. On the other side of the street, he quickly made his way downtown to the nearest hospital. Only one thought was on his mind, 'He better be okay.'

Starmates - Soulmate AUTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang