chapter 1: Ordinary to extraordinary

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Today is Friday 13th May 2016; just another an ordinary day. However, it is black friday, so being superstitious, Max believes that something bad is going to happen.

The school day goes swiftly, but is stressful and tiring as usual, and everything seems fine until Max's journey back home. He rides his bike back, like every other day, but this time, Max has a strange feeling that he is being followed.Unsure and frightened, Max stiffly turns the peddles on his black, rusty bike and starts sweating with unsurity as he stumbles up the steap gravel hill.

The feeling of being followed gradually gets stronger and stronger until Max finds himself trembling in fear. Suddenly, Max feels a big slimy hand tap his back and he doen't dare turn around. Just run! Run for your life Max!

Tens, hundreds, thousands of thoughts wizz through Max's mind like fireworks taking off and sparking everywhere uncontrollably. However, Max's main thought is save yourself!

At this point, Max is running faster than his legs can carry him, yet he never escapes the hungry, flesh-eating sounds that constantly come from the monster or whatever is chasing him from behind.

After sprinting for over five minutes, Max starts to feel exhausted as he approaches the dark, gloomy woods which he has no choice but to run into or he will most likely be eaten alive.

Adrenaline pumping faster than ever, heart pounding loudly, running out of breath, I must stop and hide soon, otherwise I will collapse of exhaustion, but stopping is not an option unless one wants to die.

What should I do? My life depends on it, so I must do something wise....and soon before it's too late.

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