chapter 3: Captured

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What is the monster going to do with Max now? It doesn't seem like he is going to eat him since he would have already done so if he wanted to. His slimy hands gradually lift Max up as he proceeds to trample off, out of the woods. He then brings Max to the home of his species and ties him up to a bed, surrounded by iron bars and leaves him there.

About half an hour later, Max becomes concious. He is clueless of where he is and is severly paniking. He tries to get up but the ropes attached to the bed restrain him. He is locked in position and doesn't know when he is next going to eat, sleep or really do anything else next. Where am I? Why was I brought here? What happens next?

Shortly after four hours of Max being there, the ropes attached to his bed detach and a green, slimy drink along with some purple biscuits appear through a conveyor belt which passes through Max's jail room. He is hesitant to touch the unappetising food. Eventually though, Max starts feeling starving and thirsty; his only option is to consume the meal that he has been provided with. The slimy drink tastes of boogers and is gross as it slowly trickles down Max's throat. The purple biscuits are no better since they taste like cardboard and are very chalky. Max finds it extremely hard to keep the snacks he has been provided with down and after not long he ends up throwing it all up. Now he is going to have the taste of puke in his mouth all night. However, this is the least of his worries at the moment.

The next morning, Max wakes up feeling ill and grotty. That meal I had last night must have done something bad to me. Despite this, he gets up and starts trying to break the iron bars, in hope that he will be able to get out that way. But it's useless. There is no way out. Max is trapped.

Seconds feel like minutes, minutes feel like hours and hours feel like days. I wonder what is going to happen to me...

All of a sudden, a hidden trapdoor opens and a human tells Max to come to the main hall. Max gets the shock of his life when he sees that the whole hall is filled with monsters, the same species as the one who captured him. Ow no- I have a bad feeling about this. Somehow, the human who lead Max here disappears and is replaced by a flesh-eating monster. This is when Max realises that the human was not replaced by a monster - he transformed into a monster. This is very dangerous as any one of those terrors could be anywhere right now in disguise. Are they going to make me into one of them? I don't want to be like them. I would do anything if it means that I don't end up like them. What happens next!

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