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Lauren [10:30 PM]: Sorry I haven't been able to get to you. We've been super busy with rehearsing for a performance with just us four and we're in the works of hearing the new songs for the album.

Camila [10:31]: no problem at all, cant wait to see u guys perform!!

Lauren [10:31 PM]: It's going to be something different alright.

Lauren [10:32 PM]: Can I hear this song now that my beautiful girlfriend wrote?

Camila [10:33 PM]: can i call u?

Lauren's hotel room lights up once again from her phone on the nightstand next to her. It was the only light at the moment; she likes to sleep in the dark.

Lauren reaches over to see Camila's text and a grin creeps up on her face. Instantly she goes to the details section on the iMessage conversation and taps on the phone icon. Lauren doesn't even have to wait five seconds before she's met with Camila's voice.

"Hi," Camila murmurs into the phone. She almost sounds nervous.

"Hey," she responds calmly back to her. Lauren slips her naked body under her blanket-- the blanket specifically Camila got her--  and put Camila on speaker.

"I missed hearing your voice so much."

"You have my number. Call me more often," Lauren responds light heartedly. Her heart warms up inside in just being able to talk to her. Nothing about Camila's departure mattered right now. It was only Lauren and Camila.

"Will do."

Silence surrounded both of them, but not an awkward silence. It was a silence in which they were so close that they didn't need any talking to be comfortable. Hearing each other's soft breathing through the phone was enough.

"Can you sing for me now?"

"Oh yeah, of course," Camila responded quite startled. She completely forgot about the song, and now here she was being put on the spot. Meanwhile, Lauren closes her eyes and imagines how Camila's hands are going to do that little dance in the air that she always does when she sings passionately and how her jaw is going to look like it's going to crack just like Ariana Grande's when she sings.

"I forgot the feeling

The feeling of being alone but not lonely

I guess when you touch me

My fears and my secrets belong to you only

Close the door behind you

Just let me love you, slow you, hold you

My mind stays on you

So does my body, let me show you," the girl sang slowly with no music in the background; just an acapella with a gentle voice full of sincerity. Lauren bit her lip in attempt to hide her smile, but it couldn't be suppressed. She was smiling like an idiot in the dark.

"But I wanna go through

And I wanna need you

Could you be my muse?

Lately all I think about is you, I'm never sick about it

This love's incredible-credible

Have a little mercy on me, baby, you got me

Wanting more, wanting more

Of your love."

Lauren was suddenly brought out of her trance when the angelic voice stopped.

"That's about all I have right now. It's not my best, but it's what's in my heart right now."

"You're crazy, I loved every second. Thank you for that," Lauren smiled cheesily. "I really wish you were here. I have an idea in mind on how I'd thank you for it."

"And what's that?" Camila questioned, clearly amused.

"Guess you'll have to wait until you visit me to find out."

"Can't wait," Camila challenged with a devilish smile. "Where are you right now?"

"Hotel room in LA. Ally is in the room next to me and the other two lesbians are sleeping together in another room."

"Have they talked about me?"

"Not really. We heard your song on the radio on our way to rehearsals, though. It was pretty awkward, but ya' know, I had to root for my baby internally."

"Thanks Laur," Camila chuckled lightly, but Lauren could sense the disappointment in her voice from hearing the response to her question. Lauren couldn't imagine having three sisters and have them all cut you off overnight.

"Well," Lauren yawned as she looked at the clock, "it's already one and I have to be up in about five hours. I think we should both get some rest."


"Again, thanks for that song. It was beautiful."

"Your welcome," Camila told the girl. "Good night, and don't forget, I'm in love with you."

Lauren smiled at those words. I'm in love with you. No one on the outside of their relationship understood what those five words meant to them. It was their thing. They said it to each other when one was crying, or when one would simply be cooking a meal. Those five words served as a reminder of their commitment to their relationship. The words "I love you" gets thrown around so easily nowadays that it almost feels like it doesn't have any meaning behind them. So they started saying those five words instead.

"I'm in love with you, too, Camz."


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