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Friday, March 3rd, 12:00 AM



Lauren: I am so so so grateful to have met you on X-Factor. I will never forget the moment we had our first kiss at the house. You thought I didn't see you checking me out every once in a while, to which I noticed, but you failed to realize that I was drooling over you as well. I kissed you that night at the hotel after the show ended because you were so sad and devastated that our chances of pursuing our dreams had ended. You were so vulnerable at the time, and I was scared that you would only want me that somewhat drunk night because you needed anything, anyone. But you proved me wrong, seeing that I have felt nothing but love from you, along with some arguments that never last longer than a few hours. These past few years has been full of genuine smiles, passionate nights, cheesy dates, and true love. I have absolutely no regrets with you and have truly enjoyed being with you, even though you toss and turn like crazy at night.

Lauren: I sent you an audio message on where to go and what to do when you wake up. Enjoy :)


I was beaming the whole morning. My phone was being completely blown up by loved ones with 'happy birthday messages' and I even saw a trending hashtag on Twitter just for me. I'm forever grateful for these people in my life.

But Lauren's message had me smiling ear to ear the most. She's always been a long paragraph texter whether it was Christmas or Thanksgiving. Even if it was just a regular Tuesday night. She never failed to send me messages upon messages just to make me feel nice. And it works. More than she'll ever know.

I spent about three hours FaceTiming Lauren, babbling to her about how this day has already become special and I don't need anything else in my life. But that wasn't enough, for Lauren's taste at least.

The audio message had informed me to go to room 31D in a Miami hotel. Although it could have been any easy guess to say I was meeting up with her there, she was still thousands of miles away, and when we were FaceTiming, Lauren seemed be relaxed in a bed, not in any way getting ready to meet up with me. Either way I was exciting; her surprises never fail to put a smile on my face.

It was only four o'clock when I had finished all my makeup. I decided to dress in a floral skirt with a white crop top, along with a beige cardigan and beige boots to match. The hotel Lauren had told me to go to was about an hour and a half away from my house, and since it was the afternoon, there was definitely going to be after-work traffic.

But knowing Lauren, I wasn't even surprised that a man was outside my apartment, waiting for me to take me to this specific hotel. I asked the man a bunch of questions just for confirmation. His name was Todd. 

I learned a lot about Todd in those few hours. Todd was a college dropout because he felt he was waisting his time and money. What college had to offer he did not find appealing. I agreed to everything he said. 

I liked Todd.


The jitters kicked in once Todd dropped me off in the front office of the hotel.

I maneuvered my way around the elevator and halls, finally reaching Level 2 with rooms 30D-70D. With a few directions from the kind maids walking around, I found my room and nervously pushed the door open, having it already be slightly cracked as if it was waiting for me to enter.

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