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Sunday morning, 10:30 a.m.

Luna's POV

"Dammit to fucking hell!" I screamed as my toe roughly came in contact with the edge of the wall as I was getting ready to put a box in the living room. "Ahahahahaha!" my sister laughed at me as she came into the hose "are you okay klutz?" she asked and I dropped my box on her foot. She yelped in pain "oops, sorry... I'm such a klutz" I ditzily spoke picking up the box and putting it by the couch in front of our flat screen TV.

Hello everyone. My name's Luna Natsurey and this is my sister Scarlet Natsurey. We are currently unpacking our things into our new home. We both always worked three jobs (two were part time) and still managed to make time for our school work, but I mean, what else could we do? I mean, we had to provide for ourselves since we were little. It's just a mandatory thing that we need to do in order to get by.

Anyways, it didn't really work out where we were before and we heard that Konoha was a great place from an old friend, so we saved up enough money to move out here and bought this great place.

We're both really useful, but have our own strengths. I can fix things, mostly just because I break things a lot, but, anyhow I am a musician as well and I can also... well to put it simply, I'm pure strength. Whereas my sister can cook and clean, she's the perfect housewife. She's good with the violin and piano. I'm more of the guitar, bass, saxophone and drums type. Anything loud's me and anything soothing is Scarlet, except for any guitar, that's mine and she's terrible at it.

Our house was pretty big, I mean, it has three floors and like four bedrooms, each with their own bathroom inside, a large kitchen and dining room the third floor was gonna be the game room. There was a garage for our cars, yes, we have cars. The place was amazing. We only ever got jobs with high pay and made our way up with promotions.

Our lives have been pretty bad but luckily, whenever one of us were sick, we'd fill in for the other at their jobs. We unpacked our boxes for the first floor and then unpacked our clothes and other random crap that we hurriedly threw into boxes upstairs in our rooms.

There was a ring of the bell as I was finishing up hanging my last poster on my dark blue and black room that was painted before hand. Scarlet and I seemed to have been thinking the same thing as the bell rang repeatedly. It's her! We hurried downstairs and I opened the door. "Luna! Scarlet!" We were suddenly thrown to the floor as an old friend laid on top of us. "Hey, Ino." Scarlet said getting up.

"What's up, you didn't think to call me earlier?" She asked and we looked at each other "should we have?" we asked and she glared at us for a split second before asking if we were finished unpacking already. "I just finished up." I told her and Scarlet nodded.

"Then let's go for a drive." She told us and we told her okay. I threw my small grey denim jacket over my black tank top that had been slightly tucked into my dark blue shorts. Scarlet threw on her dark green long leather jacket over her red and white loose spaghetti strap that complimented her white shorts well.

We took Scarlet's car after making sure we had our phones, wallets and keys. We hopped in her dark green Ferrari and drove off with the top down since it was kind of hot out today. I should mention. She has a car, but I have a motorcycle and it's black.

Ino told us to make a stop and then we could have a girl's night out to commemorate the reunion between old friends. We stopped in front of an apartment and Ino yelled up to an open window. "Yo! Sakura!" she called and a pink haired girl came to the window. "We're gonna go have some fun! You want in?" She yelled up "You bet!" she looked back inside "I'll be right there!" she called and after about five minutes she came down and hopped in the back with me.

She looked at me and Scarlet in shock "twins?" she loudly asked. "I'm Luna, this is my sister Scarlet." I introduced us and she said it was nice to meet us.

Sunday night, 8:27 p.m.

Scarlet's POV

We were out for hours. The two of them seem to know where some very interesting places are. Sakura ended up passing out in the back with Luna who kind of just sat there snickering for some reason. Too much excitement maybe.

We went back to Sakura's house and Ino said she'd stay the night with her. When she got out my sister jumped in the front seat and said "wasn't that fun?" with a huge grin across her face.

We waved the two off and they went inside. Luna's expression changed to a depressed frown. "what's the matter" I asked her as we drove back home "how long do you think we'll be able to stay here?" she asked me and with my eyes still on the road I sighed and rubbed my head. Honest...? I don't know in the least." I told her and through the corner of my eye I saw her slouch in her seat.

We've had to move a lot lately. Neither of us really know why. We've never really done anything wrong, but people tend to hate us very quickly. None know us. Well, except for Ino. We met her when we were really young. She was the first person ever to be able to tell the two of us apart, so we tried to make it really easy for them to tell who's who by having different personalities and stuff but, when your voice and your face are exactly the same, no one seems to care enough to figure it out.

We got home shortly after that and tended to our personal hygiene before going to sleep.

Can You Tell...? Can You Tell Which I Am?Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora