{The Nerve Wrecking First Day}

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Monday morning, 5:00 a.m.

Scarlet's POV

I woke up at my usual time and showered. Today's the day. The first day of school. We're gonna go job searching after, but we have to get this over with. We were always in the same classes because whenever we were separated Luna would skip her class and join in on mine so they just decided not to separate us. We are all each other really has after all.

I brushed my teeth and went downstairs to start breakfast. As I laid everything out, Luna came down in a pair of black shorts, a dark blue tank top, with a star choker on and her hair was out. Different from me who was wearing a loose white spaghetti strap and a red skirt with my heart earrings.

Once we ate our delicious, if I do say so myself, and nutritious meals we grabbed our coats, backpacks, keys, wallets and cell phones, as well as our instrument that we always took to school with us so that we had something to do during break. We left pretty early and I went to go get our schedules while Luna sat under a tree in the shade.

No One's POV

As Scarlet left her sister real quick to get their schedules Luna decided to pull out her instrument. Her black and dark blue acoustic guitar. She did a few practice strums until her sister returned with an overjoyed expression as she handed her sister the slip of paper.

As always, they were in the same classes. They went back to the front of the school to wait for Ino. She was super slow. Everyone else had already headed for their lockers. Everyone stared at the two as they passed. Scarlet was tuning her instrument, her red and black violin, while Luna sat there angrily texting Ino to hurry up.

Suddenly the girl showed up in front of Luna, whose face was buried in her phone. "Yoink!" Ino snatched her phone and backed up from the already pissed off Luna who really hates waiting for long periods of time. "Give me back my phone." She demanded but Ino started to walk away with it. She grabbed her bag and ran after the now sprinting Ino down the hallway "Ino! Gimmie my phone!" Luna screamed after her "You have to catch me first" she shouted back.

"Watch out!" Luna screamed as she ran to others to catch her annoying friend. "Move out the way!" She screamed when a certain group came into view. She tried to slow down but was already going so fast that when she skid she still managed to crash into someone. It was a guy a few inches taller than her with raven black hair. She groaned as she lifted herself off of him "sorry 'bout that" she said until her friend came back into view "Ino! Get back here!" She screamed slipping a bit as she got off of the guy, before taking off after Ino.

What she might not've realized though is just who she knocked down and what happened upon impact, everyone else nearby saw it clear as day. He just laid on the floor in shock for a moment and then he stood up, cleared his throat and flung his bag over his shoulder while walking to class with his hand shoved in his pocket. He mumbled "that girl... the next time I see her I'm gonna..." and everyone just stared at his back as he walked away.

Luna managed to get her phone back and Scarlet was able to catch up to them. They were a little late. and they didn't have a lot of classes with Ino, so they were pretty upset about that.

Luckily, though, they had first period together. For a while the twins hesitated to go in and so Ino opened the door and pulled them in and up to the front of the room.

"Everyone." The once obnoxiously loud room was silent. You could hear a pin drop. Ino pointed to her friends as she introduced. "This little angel is Scarlet Natsurey and this wild card is her sister Luna. They just moved here so be nice to them." She told them and the whole class stared at them in shock. It seems like no one around here's ever seen twins before. The teacher wasn't there yet so they sat wherever they saw an empty seat. Scarlet was in front of her sister and they were both next to Ino.

It appears we had a substitute today who didn't care what we did. As soon as that was said, just about everyone in the room decided to go speak to the new kids. What's your favorite color?

What do you do for fun? Can you play those instruments? Are you seeing someone? Those were the main questions they kept asking. The twins blinked twice and Luna answered first. "Well, I have a few but my main is dark blue, anything that seems like fun, of course I can, and... Nope." Then was Scarlet "um... well my favorite out of them all is red. I watch TV or read, yes I can, and... no. Not currently" they answered with a smile and everyone around them just seemed to, I dunno, break down for a minute.

Then they just kept on asking more questions until the bell rang. They went to their second class and then their third and then they had break so they went outside. They sat on the grass out by a large tree in the shade, took their instruments out of their cases and began playing a duet that they had made long ago. The soothing sounds were carried away in the breeze and it just happened to catch some people's attention. Before they knew it a crowd had formed, but they were so entranced with their music that they hadn't even noticed. As soon as they stopped there was an eruption of applause which startled the sisters.

Once the crowd finally began to disband, their break was over. They returned to class and then soon enough came lunch. They were waved over by Ino who sat at one of the round tables with a couple of other people. The two of them walked over and sat on either sides of her. Scarlet was on her left while Luna was on her right.

"I want to introduce you to some of my other friends. This is Hinata, Shikamaru, Neji, Kiba, Naruto, Sasuke, and already met Sakura." She introduced, pointing to each of them "Everyone this is Scarlet and Luna" She said and the twins said hi to them.

"I've never seen them before" Naruto said, eating a cup of instant noodles and Sasuke agreed with him. "You would if you didn't skip so much. We've all got most of the same classes together. Plus, they're new." They all looked at each other.

Scarlet's POV

As Ino introduced them I looked around to familiarize their faces. As I did, my gaze seemed to lock with a pair of sapphire ones. I forced my eyes away and looked at Ino. 'That was weird' I could feel my cheeks heating up a bit until I remembered something.

Ino started yelling at two of them and Hinata asked what classes we had next.

"Um..." I looked at my schedule "we have English with Kakashi Sensei and then gym with Guy Sensei." I told them and Ino looked so disappointed. I guess our classes were different. "We've got those too. We can show you where they are" Hinata told us and we ate our lunch all while getting to know one another.

We went to English and it seemed to pass by really fast. When gym came our teacher gave us our uniform and we change in the locker room with the other girls. We had to wear a white t-shirt with some red or blue shorts and we were the last ones out.

No One's POV

Everyone was just staring at the girl's locker room waiting for the twins to come out

"Holy crap! Could these be any shorter?!" Luna screamed looking at their uniforms "Luna! You're too loud!" Scarlet scolded her sister as she dragged her out of the locker room. All of those little perverted boys fell backwards with nosebleeds. Luna rubbed her head and tied up her hair into a side ponytail that matched her sister's.

Both of their attention turned to the large group of girls surrounding Ino's friends, Naruto and Sasuke. Someone happened to make their first mistake then and there. Scarlet yelped a small bit and her sister looked over to see her sister was shaking.

She pushed her sister out of the way and butterfly kicked the culprit in the face. "Perverts are not tolerated." Luna told him and walked off arm linked with Scarlet. She seemed to catch the attention of a certain raven. The rest of the day just passed them by. They went home and during dinner they spoke.

"So. Today's Outtake?" Luna asked and they were both thinking the same thing as they spoke.

"It was better than I'd thought it'd be." They both spoke as they finished up their food.

Luna's POV

'I just wonder how long this'll last.' 

Can You Tell...? Can You Tell Which I Am?Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora