Protecting Jen

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As Chris hung up the phone,He got up and went outside and paced in front of Jen's room then heard movement coming the room he looked inside the room and looked at Jen then said"It's not coming from Jen but it's coming from the restroom"and Jen woke up scared and said"Chris there's something in the restroom can you check".Chris went towards the restroom and the door flew open making Chris trip and Chris said"It's the person with the mysterious voice what do you want"then the mysterious figure said"I want you and Jen"then the figure was going towards Jen and Chris shoved the figure towards the wall making it get caught off Guard and Chris said"Come on Baby let's go I got you"as Chris picked up Jen and ran out of the hospital and they ran back to the hotel.They got to the hotel room and locked the door and Jen said"that was the scariest encounter in my life and it's scarier than when Ben found us in the hospital three years ago"then Chris said"definitely at least he didn't hurt you more than you already are"then a arrow came flying the window wised past Chris and hit the wall and Chris opened it and it said"this is not over I will kidnap you and Jen if it's the last thing I do"then Chris said"Don't worry Jen I'll protect you I won't let this person get to you"and Jen said"Thanks honey"as they kissed.

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