Chapter 1

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She gazed into the dark. Searching, looking expectantly. He should have been here by now. How long was it going to be? He really should have been here by now. She chewed on her bottom lip, worry in her eyes. She looked up to see if she could see any light. Nothing yet. She blew out of her mouth slowly. This couldn't be good. It had been at least fifteen minutes. He said ten tops. She looked back down the hole, her eyes searching. Looking for the two glowing eyes that would mark his arrival. No... No... He should've been back by now. Maybe he ran into something. Maybe he found someone. It hadn't been years since it took this long. The food run was a simple snatch and run. The plan simple, run through the hole, up the hatch grab the food and then back. What was taking so long? She was getting increasingly worried. They didn't have the time. They should have been back by now. Her eyes started to blur, her vision unfocused. She started taking deep breaths trying to calm down. She would be of no help if she was panicking. She gazed back down. Come on. Come on. Slowly two little lights popped into her vision far away. She blink and edged closer. Could it be him? Slowly they came closer, she squinted and seen the blue speckled orbs grow. Finally! He was back. Gingerly he jumped up the hole and dropped the bag at her feet. "What took you so long?! I was worried!" He blinked at her "It wasn't a big deal. You shouldn't have been worried. How many times do I have to tell you I am not your brother. Stop treating me like him." She sighed and pinched the top of her nose. She felt a headache coming on. "I am not treating you like my brother. I need that food. You now how much we need that food.  This is rediculous. Never mind, I don't care what took you so long. Fighting isn't gonna make anything better. Come on we got to move faster now that you took so much of our time." Glaring at him she turned and sprinted down the alley. Oh! How mad she was. He was so egotistical! Why did they chose HIM to go with her? She could have done it by herself in the same amount of time it was taking the both of them. She quickly reached the tall fence and jumped over it. Barley touching the ground before she took of again. She could see the tall imposing building from here. Home. Peace. She felt immense relief as she got closer. Running up to the door she banged on the knocker three times. Silence. The door slowly creaked open. "Yes?" She glance up "Amira, here for the transport. Oneeky hokey." Grunting, the figure stepped aside and opened the door further. She slowly stepped in and gazed up as she had always done for the last 5 years. A beautiful painting of light and color blended to make one of the most inspiring, enriching murals  she had seen. "Come on, now your going to get us late. Staring up at that painting with your mouth hanging open." Quickly she snapped her mouth shut and scowled at him. "It isn't just a painting. It is a work of art. A story of color. At least I have the decency to gawk at something actually beautiful. You just gawk at butts." He stepped closer to her, "Only yours honey." Winking, he strolled toward the other side of the hallway, "Got your mouth hanging open again. Hurry up." Oh! He made her so mad. Had she already said that? Well it was true. He always said something to tick her off. Stomping after him she thought of all the ways she could get him back.

When Earth Endsحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن