Chapter 2

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Amira walked up the large stone steps that lead to the throne. Dropping to her knees she bowed her head and repeated what she said earlier "Amira, here for transport. Oneeky hokey." The king looked down at her with warm affection. "Rise, protector, you have done well yet again. How did it go?" She stood up, brushing the non-existent dust off her breeches. "As well as can be expected, sir. We found no lightlings not even a trace of them. Jared took longer than he should've but we were able to make up the time with running back here." Jared walked up next to her, "Not running sir, more like sprinting. You should have seen how fast she went. Like a group of lightlings were on her tail. We got all the supplies we needed though. Even the neverberry." The king nodded and looked between his two warriors. So alike yet so different. He truly hoped he chose the right partner for his son. "Very well. Bring it all to the chamber. Thank you my dear warriors. Go and take a rest. Your meal will be brought up shortly." Bowing again Amira thanked him and walked away. Closing the doors behind her, she traveled the long hallway until she met the green door. Which signified a food chamber. One of many, but this one was most important. Opening the door she saw the shelves and shelves of food stacked up. Enough for the entire winter. Amira was in charge of this chamber, she never thought she would get this far. For a while she thought there wouldn't be enough food. She saw a small opening on the top of a shelf and grabbed her ladder. Setting it up she climbed to the top and put the food on the shelf. All done. That was the last food run for her this year. Climbing back down the ladder she put it up and with one last glance walked out, tightly shutting the door with a click. She was eager to get to her room, where she could take a hot bath. She walked down the seemingly endless hallways until she reached her room. Opening the door she saw her cat lazing on the couch. "Hi Ellie, I brought you some food." She grabbed some wet cat food out of her satchel and got a spoon and can opener. Shoveling the food into Ellie's bowl. Ellie came running over rubbing her body on Amira's legs. "Good girl. I am gonna make some tea and take a bath. You watch the door for me. Don't let anyone in." Patting her head she went over to the stove. It was having trouble again. Every time she tried to light it, it would only click, have a burst of flames and then blow out. She tried it again, crossing her fingers and hoping it would work. Click. Click. Click. It turned on. Then blew out. "Ugh! Why do you do this?! Come on!" Trying again she turned the switch slower. Finally! It was on. Sighing, Amira grabbed her teapot and filled it with water. Putting it on the stove she grabbed her favorite cup and some neverberry tea. Then she went and grabbed her current book, one without pain and starvation. It was a happy book. She heard the teapot whistle and turned it off. She poured some into her cup and put a few teaspoons of clover honey in. A delicious smell wafted up from the cup. She grabbed her book and tea and walked into her bathroom. Pouring some of her favorite vanilla lavender soup her mom makes into the streaming water. It would take a few minutes to fill. She undressed and set up her small table next to the tub, setting her tea and book on top. She climbed in and relaxed into the warm bubbly water. Grabbing her book she went into a world of adventure and love.

An hour later the water had grown teppid and her tea was gone. She set down her book and crawled out, wrapping her towel around her body. She walked into her room and put on her regular clothes. Her brown button down, black pants, and her brown belt. She grabbed a rubber band and put her hair into a high ponytail. She grabbed a fuzzy blanket and crawled into the couch with her book. As soon as she started getting comfortable she heard a knock at the door. Must be food. Jogging over to the door she opened it and saw her mom on the other side. Her mom loved cooking for others. She brought food to Amira every day. Amira knew that if her mom didn't bring food she would never eat. "Hi mom. How are you? Would you like a cup of tea?" Her mom went and set the tray over on the table. "Hi honey, I am good. I made your favorite today, broccoli cream soup with dumplings. I would love some tea. Do you still have some of that blueberry-green tea?" Nodding Amira walked over to the stove and played with it again, trying to light it. Finally it started and she set the teapot on it. She grabbed another cup out of the cupboard and got a bag of blueberry-green tea. "That stove is driving me crazy. It is having fits again. I just don't know enough about this stuff to fix it." Her mom grabbed a couple plates and spoons and set them on the table with the food. She started serving both of them and sat down. "It seems like that thing is always having trouble. You should ask Jared to come and take a look at it. I know he could figure it out." Amira grabbed the whistling teapot and poured it in the cup. She looked up at her mom and laughed. "Ha. Ha. Ha. Very funny mom. I would never ask Jared to help me. He makes me so mad. We would probably end up just hurting the stove more than helping it," She set the cup in front of her mom, "besides, I am sure Henry would come and look at it for me again." Her mom sighed. "Honey you really need to learn to get along with Jared. He is your partner. You will have to learn to get along at one point. You have a year to get used to him, don't waste it just arguing. The king is a kind and wise man. He would never make the wrong choice for his son. Or for you for that matter. I had trouble with your father for awhile also, but we learned to get past that. We learned to love each other." Amira glanced down at her soup, she felt like crying. She knew that the king was wise. But she felt he had it out for her. He knew that Jared and her had never gotten along. They had fought all their lives. It just wasn't fair. "Just think about it Amira. I need to head out, I promised Anette I would visit with her before her bed time. I love you Amira." They both stood up and hugged. "I love you too mom. Say hi to Anette for me. I will visit her tomorrow." Walking over to the door she let her mom out and closed it softly, sliding down the door she put her head on her knees. Ellie came running over and laid down next her, purring. Smiling, Amira stroked Ellie's soft fur. "You would never hurt me would you? I don't know what to do. I just wish I was a kid again. With no worries." Amira suddenly had a flashback of when she was six. She was on her dad's shoulders as he ran around the playground. Both of them laughing gleefully. Those were good times. When her dad wasn't sick and was still a warrior. Amira got up from the floor and went back to the table finishing her soup before going to bed.

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