Chapter 3

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The next day Amira woke up bright and early to help in the baracade. Her new job now that winter was starting and she had finished up stockpiling all the food. She rose out of bed and stretched slowly. She walked out of her room dressed and ready to go. Now breakfast, a couple of fried eggs sounded good. Looking in her fridge she sees that she has none left. Guess she will have to go down to the farm area. Slipping on her shoes she goes out her door and jogs down the stairs to her left. Hopefully it is early enough that no one else is out. Walking into the farm area she goes into the chicken coup assigned to her floor. Ever since Amira was little she has loved the chickens. She always got to help when they hatched and she fell in love with every one of them. Thank goodness she had the egg chickens and not the meat chickens. Clucking, she walks over to her favorite chicken and picks her up cooing and petting her. "What a beautiful girl. Yes you are. Look at all those pretty feathers." Setting the chicken down she goes over to the food bag and fills the feeder. Then goes over to the egg house. Perfect! She is one of the first ones to come down. Grabbing 2 eggs she puts them in a little basket and walks out talking to the chickens the whole time and nearly bumps into a wall. "I see you came down for breakfast too. To bad you aren't still in your pajamas. I would like to see that."  Glaring up at Jared she side steps him.  Intending on just ignoring his remarks. not"Hey where are you going? Not gonna invite me to your room? Come on. You know you would love to have breakfast. I could even fix that rusty old stove of yours sweetheart." Freezing she suddenly turns around, "I would love to NOT have you over. And don't call me sweetheart. You know I hate those nicknames. It makes me sound like a child. Have a nice day. Goodbye." Glaring as best she can she storms out of the room. Why did her mom have to tell him! Did she want to make it harder on Amira. Sighing she climbs the stairs. "Why can't I just get a break?" Opening the door and nearly slamming it shut she walks over to the counter and set her eggs in a bowl. Then she leans over the sink at glares at it. "Ugh! I could never share eternal happiness with that snob. What a jerk!" Her eyes start to prickle and she quickly wipes the tears away. Blowing out she walks over to her stove. She then grabs a bowl and pours some dry oatmeal in. She played with the stove for a little bit until she got some water boiling. Pouring in the water slowly she got just the right amount. Walking over to the fridge she grabbed some dry raspberries and blueberries then mixed it in the oatmeal with some Suger. It will have to do. She had never been very good at cooking and oatmeal was about as good as she could get. She could fry an egg without quite burning it. Depending on if she was reading a book at the time or not. Grabbing a frying pan she pours some vegetable oil in and warms it up. Then cracks the eggs into the pan and puts the lid over them. The oatmeal is still piping hot so it will hopefully be cooled down by the time her eggs are done. Standing over the stove she watches it until the eggs look perfect. Then grabs her spatula and shovels them on a small plate. Grabbing both the oatmeal and eggs she walks over to her small table and starts eating. Not too bad. Not nearly as good as her mom and dad's cooking but it will do. This winter she is required to take a cooking class for her eternal partnership with Jared. Hopefully she actually learns how to make a decent meal. She might just burn all of Jared's food in spite anyway though. Looking at the clock she sees she will be late to work if she does not hurry up soon. Finishing off all her food she sets them in the sink. Ellie come out of the room stretching and meowing. Smiling, Amira walks over and picks Ellie up. "What a lazy kitty you are. I got to go, hold down the fort and do NOT let Jared in ok?" She then sets the cat down and walks out the door. And again nearly runs into Jared. "What are you doing up here? This isnt your section." She says. He reaches over and grabs her hand and pulls her tight to him. "For you baby cakes. Why else would I be here?" Gasping she tries to pull away with no results. "Seriously? Let go of me. I am going to be late to work. I need to go." Sighing he shakes his head. "No can do. You have a new assignment today. Me." He waggles his eyebrows at her and continues, "father said that today is a day of relaxing for you and me. Get to know each other. Go for a walk in the park. Yesterday was a long day. He said to take the day off." Squinting up at him she stares for a bit. "I don't believe you. Why would he do that? Besides I know you just fine and I don't like what I know!" Slamming her foot down on his he yells and let's her go. She then start walking down the stairs and to the kings chamber. "Hey! Wait! You can't go in there. They are having a private meeting. Amira! Stop walking so fast darnet." He quickly catches up and grabs her arm and pushes her to the wall. "Please, don't go in." Sighing he let's go of her and runs his fingers through his hair. Then says "Fine, fine. I will tell you the truth. They saw some lightlings last night. They weren't very close, several miles away in fact. But it did cause them to worry. They shut down everything and have everyone in there talking and planning. Father said for me to scout with you while they were talking." Amira's eyes grow wide. "Why didn't you tell me that in the first place?? We got to go. The longer we aren't scouting the more someone could get hurt." Grabbing his hand she starts running to the exit.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2017 ⏰

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