I wont let it happen again

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Authors Note
I hope you enjoyed the first chapter. It was short, but it's only the beginning. Up of above is a picture of Timmy's mother, Laura. As again only one ship will sail. ~Authors
I heard a noise but I thought it was just Timmy getting comfortable, again like every normal night. So I didn't think anything of it, But I was awoken with a horrible surprise. Timmy wasn't in the den or anywhere I could see, so I thought maybe he was over with Flower playing like every morning. But when I got over there, Flower was rolling the stone, her and Timmy normally play with. I asked Mrs. Badgers children if they've seen Timmy, but they quickly answered, no. Then I asked his friend flower if she had seen him, but she sadly answered no as well. I started to get worried but then Queen Navi appeared out of the shadows on a tree branch. Queen Navi was the queen of the forest. She had very strong magical powers. She was also like a best friend to Timmy. I asked her if she had possibly seen him. She then told me she saw him in the den, but then saw a human man take him. After she told me that I started to freak out and panic.I don't want what happened to Timmy's father to happen to Timmy...

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22, 2017 ⏰

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