Chapter 1

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Authors Note: Hello! Thank you stopping by and checking this out! I am a huge fan of both Sherlock and Frozen, and when I saw that there were no fanfictions and only fanrt, I decided that that needed to change.

I use the Frozen script that Disney placed online to write this fanfiction, so lines will be directly taken from the movie. I am, however, changing and adding somethings to make it more related to Sherlock, other than the characters just having their names. Also, the cover photo is done by Emillu on tumblr. She does more Frozenlock art so go check her out!

I'll let you read now, but please don't be afraid to leave comments and tell me what you do and don't like, and where I can improve. I hope to update each week, but we will see how that goes with school and stuff. Oh, and thanks to my amazing friend Eric who is my editior and corrects all my mistakes (which there are lots of). Enjoy! 


Sherlock slowly slid out of his bed and crawled across the floor, waking his Irish Setter, Redbeard. On the other side of the room, his older brother, Mycroft, snored lightly. Standing up next to him, Sherlock poked his brother's pale face, but received no response. Huffing, Sherlock jumped up next to him.

“Mycroft, wake up,” he whispered. He shook his brother, whose only reply was a groan. “Mycroft!” Sherlock yelled in his brother’s ear as he flopped on top of him.

Mycroft shoved Sherlock off the bed and rolled over. “Go to bed Sherlock.”

“I just can’t. The sky’s awake, so I’m awake, so we have to play,” Sherlock whined.

“Go play with Redbeard,” Mycroft replied, already falling back asleep, his white hair covering his face.

Sherlock sat on the floor, staring out their window at the snow. Suddenly, he smiled and crawled back on the bed. “Do you want to play pirates?”

Mycroft's eyes flew open and he smiled. The older boy threw the covers off and dashed out of the room, Sherlock and Redbeard on his heels. The three ran through the castle halls and to the ballroom. The boys shut the large doors with mischievous smiles as Redbeard jumped up and down in excitement.

Sherlock ran to the corner of the ballroom, his dark curls ruffled, as he pulled on snow boots and a jacket. Redbeard sat by Mycroft's slippered feet, his shaggy tail wagging as Sherlock joined them in the center of the ballroom. “Do the magic!” he squealed. Mycroft smiled and nodded, then waved his hands in a circle. A small snowball formed and grew bigger as he opened his palms. Throwing the ball upwards, it exploded in the air, causing sparkling snow to rain down on the boys. Sherlock watched it fall and danced in the flurries, wonder in his ever-changing eyes. “This is amazing!” Sherlock said as he spun in circles, Redbeard chasing him.

“Watch this!” Mycroft said with a smirk as he stamped his foot on the ground. Ice spread across the ballroom floor creating an ice rink. Closing his eyes, Mycroft waved his hands and the snow started to swirl. Before him, a small ship, made of snow and ice, formed. Sherlock gaped at it, unsure of what to do. “I call being captain!” Mycroft cried, rushing up the icy gangplank. Sherlock soon followed him, with Redbeard by his side. On the deck of the ship, Mycroft stood proudly with a funny looking snowman beside him. “Hi I'm Greg, and I like to go on adventures!” Mycroft said in a goofy voice, moving Greg's stick arms.

“I love you Greg,” Sherlock said as he hugged the snowman. Mycroft looked down on him and smiled, laughing as snow got caught in Sherlock’s wild curls. Sherlock looked up at Mycroft and a big grin grew on his face. “Can I sail the ship?” Mycroft nodded and hopped off the boat as Sherlock scrambled to get to the helm. Placing his back against the ship, Mycroft spread his palms out towards the ice and sprayed snow. Slowly, the ship started to slide across the icy floor as Mycroft steered them around the room. Sherlock and Redbeard stood at the helm, pretending to steer the ship.

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