Chapter 3

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So this chapter was a lot of fun to write, I hope you guys like it! For the description of Sherlock and Mycroft's clothes, I used drawings by Peachymints on Tumblr that I really liked, so go check them out! Also, I descripe the detailing on their clothes as rosemaling, which is a Norwegian pattern which they use all throughout the movie. 

I know that Sherlock really isn't the love type before he meets John, but I am trying to stick to the Frozen script, but don't worry, I have it all planned out :)

Hope that y'all enjoy, and please don't forget to rate and comment! 


Sherlock burst out of his bedroom and slid across the floor in his socks, finishing tying a green sash around his waist. He was dressed in his coronation suit and his normally unruly curls were all neatly put in place. His shirt was tan with green and pink rosemaling on it. The short black jacket he wore over the shirt also had rosemaling on it along with golden trim. Seeing the hustle and bustle, Sherlock felt excitement build up inside him, something he hadn't felt in a long time.

"The window is open, so’s that door! I didn't know they did that anymore" he exclaimed. Running down the hall, he passed servants carrying stacks of plates. "I knew we had 8,000 salad plates!" He ran and slid across the ballroom floor in his socks. “For years I’ve roamed these empty halls. Why have a ballroom with no balls?” he asked, rushing to the stairwell. “Finally they’re opening up the gates!” Sherlock jumped onto the banister and slid down the spiral staircase. At the bottom of the stairs he stopped and talked to the suits of armor. “There’ll be actual real live people, it’ll be totally strange” he said, shaking the hand of one of suits, causing it to fall off. Quickly, he shoved the arm into the suit and ran to an open window. “Wow, am I so ready for this change!” He stared out the window, spotting the sails of a ship rising over a building. Hopping on the window washer’s pulley, he raised himself up and watched the ships come in.

“For the first time forever, there’ll be music, there’ll be light.” Sherlock started to swing on the pulley, excitement filling him. “For the first time in forever, I’ll be dancing through the night.” Lowering the pulley, he ran to the garden, watching as servants prepared the castle for the guests. In the garden, he took in the fresh air and scent of the flowers. His stomach twisted and he beat his chest lightly. “Don’t know if I’m elated or gassy, but I’m somewhere in that zone. Cause for the first time in forever, I won’t be alone.” He chased after a family of geese, smiling at the little goslings. Bending down, he placed his hands in the grass and allowed three of them to sit in his palms. “I can’t wait to meet everyone,” he told the chirping chicks. Suddenly he gasped. “What if I meet, the one?”

Back inside, Sherlock walked through the ballroom again, decorations and food now in place. He ran to a velvet drape and twisted himself in it and acted like he looked attractive, despite looking ridiculous. “Tonight, imagine me suit and all, fetchingly draped against the wall. The picture of sophisticated grace,” he said, twirling the drape’s tassel and hitting himself in the face. Untangling himself, he spotted the bust of a young woman across the room. “Suddenly I see her standing there, a beautiful stranger, short and fair.” He stood next to the bust, fanning himself with wide eyes, until he spotted the chocolates next to him. “I wanna stuff some chocolates in my face!” he said with a wide smile, shoving a handful of chocolates into his mouth. Picking up the bust, he twirled with it. “But then we laugh and talk all evening, which is totally bizarre. Nothing like the life I’ve led so far!” The bust slipped from his hands and flew into the cake. Quickly, he fled the room.

Sherlock ran to the portrait room, surveying the paintings which were his only company for years. Jumping on a couch, he stood next to a photo, mimicking the bowing man and extending his hand to the woman in the painting. “For the time in forever, there’ll be magic, there’ll be fun,” he said. Jumping to the next couch, he poised himself as the man playing the accordion for a woman. “For the first time in forever, I could be noticed by someone.” Next, he posed as a man kissing a young woman’s hand. “And I know it is totally crazy,” he said, bouncing on a couch to pose as a Mexican dancer in a higher painting. “To dream I’d find romance,” he continued, bouncing to mimic a man pushing a woman on a swing. “But for the first time in forever, at least I have a chance.” Sherlock said, stopping and smiling at a young woman in a painting.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 10, 2014 ⏰

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