2p! Americax Reader x America- Sleepover

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Kill me, I fell in love with a king... King George to be specific :'D

I'm now Hamiltrash XD

Requested by STEVE_WOW!!!


"Sleepover!!" (y/n) giggled, jumping on her bed.

"Durufuuuuu~" Alfred laughed, following her.

"Fuck this shit..." Allen groaned, doing the same thing.

The trio laughed at what they had done... Except Allen, that is.

Alfred scooted over to (y/n) and cuddled her.

She giggled and cuddled with him.

Allen sat up, a bit pissed off and jealous, and huffed, looking away.

"When are we going to watch a movie?!" He asked, ruining the moment.

Alfred and (y/n) stared at him.

"Dude," Alfred spoke, "we just watched Lord of the Rings."

"The entire series." (y/n) added.

Allen grumbled and looked away.

"I'm going to bed, night..." (y/n) huffed, pushing the two Americans off her bed.

Alfred yelped as he did whilst Allen stayed.

"Sleepovers are supposed to be on the floor, on carpets!!" Alfred said.

"I love my bed more than you two or humans, go!" (y/n) huffed again

Alfred pouted and pulled Allen off. "Come on, bro! Ya heard her!!'

Allen grumbled again and walked off.

Alfred gently closed the door and sighed.

"So, let's get pillows and blankets then we'll-" he said.

"No, we're sleeping in her room, dipshit!"

"Dude, a hero like me sticks to my word!"

"A villain like me, doesn't give a shit about my words!"

"She said she doesn't want us to!"

"She said she loves her bed more than the two of us! We'll change that!"

"What, how?!"


"The fuck?!"

"You heard me!"

Alfred huffed and crossed his arms, glaring at his 2p.

"Why?" He asked, his ocean blue eyes locked on Allen's blood red ones.

"Because. Besides, I'm really in the mood for sex." Allen scoffed.

Alfred blushed darkly. "I still can't believe you're me, but not me..."

"But hey, you love it~"

"The hell I do..."

"Admit it~~"

"Hell no."

Allen scoffed, smirking a bit as he opened the door.

Alfred shook his head and waved his hands around, scared of what could happen.

And yet, they went in anyway.

(y/n) laid there, her legs spread apart slightly that the duo can see her cute, lacy, (f/c) panties under her nightgown.

She let out a soft, quiet moan and turned to her side.

Allen licked his lips and crawled onto the bed.

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