Its Simply Forbidden

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warning: this is a boyxboy story! There will be graphic scenes. If you wish to not particate of it LEAVE ...You have been warned. SO NO REPORTING please...


Alec wandered the dark empty school halls, desperately searching for room number 'A9'. He stopped at a gum covered door that was almost off its hinges. He looked down at the post-it again just to confirm this was it. While still pondering why Mr. Davis would pick such a grotesque place, he opened the door. Then taking the first step into the room that would change his whole life around.


As I pass by room number 'A9' I abruptly stop. Sensing someone in the room I see Alec bent over...... (sorry I don't want to spoil) I could feel my face contort to a look of disbelief, I back away from the door. I feel my hands shaking as I squeeze my eyes closed desprately trying not to cry. As a lone tear rolls down my face I flee from the school, never once looking back.


"You're just an insensitive racist bitch MOTHER!" Alec yelled at his mother fury written all over his face. "That is it! you are moving from Mr.Davis's class!" Alec's Mother barked back. Alec runs up the carpeted steps, and falls to his knees. With tears gushing out his eyes as he sobs violently.


I look him in the eyes and a cruel smile slithers onto my face. bittersweet indeed.....


A inspiring novel by BeautyPersonifies and domineeringbear...shows a tale about two star-crossed lovers who fight with everything they have to be together.....(If this is confusing read the rest of the book it will help you understand) 

Authors Note:

I will resum My Possesive Bestfriend after this one, but I will update this frequently so stay tuned! Now without further a do....

Its Simply Forbidden (boyxboy)

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