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I ran as fast as I could and behind me, I could hear the creatures, whimpering, snarling and panting as I scrambled up the slope to the house, I glanced over my shoulder and saw the creatures had stopped chasing me. They had stopped behind the line of the end of the woods. I let out a sigh of relief and went in the house through the back door; which led to the kitchen.

It had been days since this attack. They, the creatures, had been haunting me since I was young. They never failed to visit me every month before. The creatures, every part of the screamed 'DANGER', screamed for me to run as far away from them as possible. And yet I was so drawn to them. Despite the danger, I was willing to get close to them, know more about them.

I shook my head, trying to shake those thoughts away. No wonder I never have much friends before. "Ridiculous!" I mumbled to myself. I drank a cup of milk and went to sleep.

I woke up the next day with dark circles under my eyes. I dreamt about the creatures last night again. They spoke to me. He spoke to me. He took form of a wolf. A huge wolf with snow white fur and piercing blue eyes. He was beautiful. I could not recall what he told me. All I remembered was that he showed me a place. He seemed so real in the dream. This was not the first time he spoke to me in dream, but every time I woke up, I can never recall what he told me.

It was Saturday. After a long boring morning of flipping through the television channels, I decided to go out and take a walk in the woods behind. I grabbed my iPod and step out of the house. The warm summer air hit my face almost immediately. I inhaled the air, breathing in the smell of the woods. For some weird reason, the woods felt home, where I was suppose to belong.

I put on my earphones and walk to the back of my house. I took my usual route into the woods. I walk deep into the woods, looking around, taking in every little details of the woods. From the ants that are moving on the forest floors, to the birds feeding their babies on the trees.

I had always loved the woods. I went deeper and deeper, loosing track of time. When I reached the end of my usual route, I continued walking. I felt a pull towards the center of the woods. Something or someone was calling me, urging me to go deeper.

There was no visible path. The long, unkept grass covered it all up. I do not know where I was going and yet I kept going, letting my instinct take over. I was now in the unfamiliar part of the woods where the sunlight does not reach the forest floor. I had never been so deep into the woods all my life but I was not afraid. What scared me the most is that I felt calm, peaceful.

I took a deep breath, inhaling the scents around me again. "A river ahead," A little voice told me inside my head. Once again, I let my instincts take over, bringing me to the river.

A gasp escaped my mouth when I saw the river. The water was so clear that you can see the bottom. And whenever the sunlight hits the waters, they glisten like thousands of little diamonds in the water. My throat burned. It had been hours since I last drank water. I stumbled over to the riverbanks and splashed water onto my face, drinking them while doing so.

Satisfied, I sat myself on a rock nearby. I look around. "This place is breath-taking," I sighed softly.

"Yes, of course it is beautiful, dear. This is home," a deep voice spoke. I shot up and turn around, looking for the source of the voice. There's completely no one. I look around, a small frown forming on my forehead. I must be hallucinating things! I sat down once again, letting my eyes wonder around. My eyes stopped on a reflection in the water of the other side of the river.

The white wolf.

It was him! The one from my dreams! I look up from the reflection and into the woods but he was not there. I look into the water again. He was gone. I blinked my eyes a few times then shook my head. I must be seeing things! I stood up, looking into the woods one last time, then began my journey back to the house.

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