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AUTHORS NOTE: For my hoodright friends fuck u gusy i was pressured into this (also not 60k words fuck you lima bean) I AM WEAK I UNDERSTAND FUCK this fic is inspired by tyler the creator -Skylar la homo__THIS IS THE INTRO ITS SHORT FUCK OFF

It was the first day of eighth grade and I headed into my first period class which was algebra. I never had many friends, so I walked in not knowing anyone. The desks were in pairs of two, so I sat in the back in one by myself. The bell rang, and the teacher stood at the front of the classroom.

“Good morning class! Welcome to algebra. First I’m going to give you your assigned seats.”

 He rattled off names, not calling mine yet. He got to the last two seats that were in the far, back left of the room.

 “and last, Maxwell Hampton and Niall Horan.”

 I had seen the blond haired boy before, but had never talked to him. I never had classes with him until now.

 I took my seat, and he sat down next to me seconds after.

 “Hey I’m Niall.” He said friendly, shooting me a wide smile, and I noticed his bright blue eyes.

 “Hi.” I replied shyly. I then noticed the famous football jersey he was wearing. I grew with excitement knowing someone had the same interest as me.

 “Is that a derby county jersey?” I asked in a surprised voice.

 “Yeah! Do you watch them?”

 “All the time, they’re my favorite club.”

 “Same. Did you watch their game yesterday?”

 “Yep, I was up so late because of it.”

 “The forwards were absolutely killin’ it.”

 “Hell yeah they were,” I smiled nodding in agreement. We then stopped our conversation, turning our attention to the teacher who was going over class rules, which was rather boring.

 A few minutes later Niall passed me a folded up note. I opened it and read what it said.

 So what’s the rest of your schedule look like?

 I wrote down my schedule, all periods 1-9, and handed it back to him. I heard him open it and then heard his pencil running across the page. He handed it back to me.

Looks like we have lunch, gym, and art together too lass!

I looked over at him and he winked. This could be the first year I make a close friend in Mullingar.

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