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AUTHOR FUCKING NOTE: idk how many words lima bean wanted this to be i forget but it was somethin in the K's but i definitely didnt reach that fuk u (word count is 1658 thank u very much) for u u know who u r quit callin me weak i wont take it i will complete this whole fic and you can weak my ass you hear that. If you dont understand this author note, you probably arent one of my IRL friends but thats okay thank you for reading!!!! A great song for this chapter would be fuckin problem by asap rocky thank u -Skylar

3 months left of middle school, then it would be onto the high school. We'd already gotten through the first semester and the 3rd quarter. I was walking towards my locker in the morning and saw Niall, leaning against my locker with books in his hand, while on his phone. He was in the casual t-shirt and khakis, his brown roots becoming more noticeable. He still didn't see me, so I walked up to him and gave him a shove making him lose his balance. He fell back a little bit, but gained his balance again.

"Well good morning Max." He said in a sarcastic voice.

"You need to get on those brown roots soon man," I said while opening my lock.

"I know I know, hey did you finish that algebra homework? I was confused on the last part,"

"Yeah I have it, ask your teacher if you can come to my homeroom, I'll help you with it."

"Ok cool I'll be there in a few minutes," he gave my shoulder a punch.

"Bye!!!" I said blowing him a kiss as he walked away. He laughed and blew one back then turned around, walking to his homeroom. Over the last 7 months, Niall and I had grown really close. I sat with him in all of the classes we had together, and we hung out sometimes too. We both had the same interests, and the same sarcastic humor. I definitely wasn't as happy as he was all the time, but every time I was with him, I was happy. He always knew how to make me laugh.

I finished getting my books and headed to homeroom. I sat down and got the algebra homework out. Niall soon walked in and plopped down next to me.

"Wassuppppp?" He said dragging it out forever.

"Shut up and just get your homework out." I replied smiling.

I taught him how to do the graphing he didn't understand, and then we went to class. Algebra went on as it usually did, we passed notes back and forth that said things making fun of people, or just absolute nonsense but made each other laugh.

Before I knew it, I was in 9th period gym with Niall. Today we were playing football.

"Okay class, get your passing partner then get a ball. You know what to do."

Me and Niall both looked towards each other, then nodded.

"I'll go get the ball," he said, then started running towards the ball cart.

Niall and I both played football, so we loved days where we just got to kick the ball back and forth.

He came back, and stood across from me with the ball. He dropped it on the floor then kicked it towards me. We went on for a while, and then I noticed the two prissy girls next to us. They both had their hair down, perfectly straight, and wore short shorts and tank tops. I saw the way they kicked the ball and started laughing. Niall looked at me confused, but then I pointed to the girls, and he quickly picked up on what I was laughing at. He chuckled a little bit, then imitated the girl next to him, kicking the ball to me in an absurd but hilarious way. He even added a little girly grunt to it. I started laughing even harder, and couldn't hold in the sound any longer. Soon my laughter was echoing throughout the gym, and multiple people were starting to look over at us. Niall was laughing too, but not as hard as I was. The two girls we were imitating were looking at us with weird faces, but Niall simply flicked them off and they looked away. I finally stopped laughing and kicked the ball back to Niall.

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