Sickly and Sticky

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The walk down the rainy streets of Zootopia were cruel and unforgiving, the drops felt like razor blades on the ears of officer Judy Hopps as she pulled the edges of her jacket tighter rushing to get to the one and only Nick Wilde, who happens to have been sick for the past while now. Her feet sloshed in the puddles soaking her feet with oily water from a nearby car. She stopped to take a look at her newly blackened boot, cringing at the smell continuing the walk.

She pulled out Nick's spare keys from the back pocket of her blue jeans proceeding to unlock the door and walk inside. She wiped her feet the best she could and set down her jacket on the cherry wood table proceeding to Nick's room without making a sound. Knocking on the door Judy gently pressed it open feeling the chill of his large bedroom. She reached for the thermostat r putting it up to the highest setting as the fans whirled with heat. Judy heard a loud moan coming from across the room.

"J...Judy? Come here p...please." Nick said struggling to speak.

She briefly jogged around the corner noticing the piles of dirty clothes everywhere. She tried her best to avoid the trash heaps and occasional stain on the turquoise carpet. Judy bent over Nick who was moaning in pain from the stomach pains. He was practically swimming in a pool of sweat and blankets.

"You know if your hot you can take off the blankets." Judy said staring over him as he panted

Nick moaned burying his face even deeper into the pile of pillows trying to block out the noise he calls carrots. Judy looked at him pathetically, poking him in the shoulder. Nick moaned swiping at her with his hand as Judy sat down at the end of the bed

"Your pathetic Wilde, I brought you some medicine, so get up!" Judy said grabbing

Nick grunted slowly turning onto his back revealin his carrot printed pajamas and shirt making her get all embarrassed as she tried to focus on something else

" Eh heh, n...nice painting, what is it? A boat? A train?"Judy said nervously.

Nick rolled his eyes sitting up, sloppily straightening his pj's, then making his bed neatly and adjusting the pillows. Nick tapped on Judy's shoulder surprising her

Her instincts told her to fight so she punched him in the shoulder.

Nick flinched rubbing his arm dramatically acting like he's dying or whatever.

"Geez, talk about packing a punch." Nick whispered to himself.

Judy overheard turning around with one fist  in the air causing nick to flinch in "fear"
"Sorry, sorry!" Nick said waving his hands and moving over a bit.

Judy pulled out his medicine which was in a blue bottle because of the color, trying to open it, struggling grunting trying to pry it open.

" Need some help?" Nick said turning to her.

She mumbled no trying her hardest to pop open the cap until Nick heard a crack, followed by a sticky sound as Judy turned around, reavealing her blue soaked clothes and fur, attempting to get it off she shook her hands and arms but with every shake it got more and more stuck.

" CRAP!!!!" she yelled stunning Nick who ran to get her a towel.

Thoughts raced through Nick's head realizing, she's never sworn in front of him, he had sworn in front of her but never vice versa. She was never the person to get angry or yell. He handed her the towel as she attempted to get it off, but not the towel was sticky and her fur and clothing even stickier

" Here, I'll be fine why don't you go get another clean towel and take a shower? Wash off all that ick." Nick taking the handing her a fresh towel.

She snatched it away thinking real quick before coming to an ultimate conclusion

" S...sure, that'd be great thanks!" She said nodding her head.

Judy stepped into the walk in shower gently closing the glass door shaking at the feel of the water on her silky fur. The blue medicine moved ever so quickly down the drain reliving Judy of her sticky prison as she re adjusted the water to her likeness, carefully slipping down into the bathtub portion of the shower, plugging the drain with the flip of the metal switch as the water slowly filled and Judy drifted to sleep.


Judy jolted awake splashing water but not enough to over fill as she realized she'd fallen asleep, after a few seconds she realized the water stopped running, she couldn't recall turning it off but brushed it off as if it was nothing.

She stepped out the shower grabbing the towel on the counter rubbing around the top of her head in attempt to dry it. She changed into her clothes which were nicely folded in a pile before walking out the door and into Nick's room. She was about to holler at him but she noticed he was as sleeping, face buried in a mountain of pillows.

She stared at him laying there a little creepily until she realized what she was doing and blushed with embarrassment. She managed to get over it quickly climbing into the squeaky bed beside him, once more  drifting into a deep sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22, 2017 ⏰

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