Valentine's Day

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I am sorry if it might be short cause i still have my cast/brace on, but i get it off tomorrow so i hope i can write more when it comes off anyways on with the story and i have 14 days left with my brace on and i can write better with the brace then i did with the cast which was bad and horrible

"Morning Logie" Kendall says as he wakes up in the arms of his husband that morning

"Morning Kenny" Logan says as he looks at Kendall as he woke up next to Kendall

"Happy Valentine's day" Kendall says to him

"Happy Valentine's day to you as well Kenny" Logan says to him as they gave each other a good morning kiss

"Since the babies are still little i say we eat in tonight  and  have a romantic night in for now until they are older then we can go out on the town for a romantic night out" Kendall says before all of the babies wake up once again and needed attention

"Sounds good to me and I hate to leave Allie since she has the chicken pox's" Logan says as he was in Kendall's arms just relaxing and he was all nice and warm

"Oh poor Allie" Kendall says as he was stroking Logan's hair since it was very soft

"I hate to leave her home since she is sick" Logan says as he was enjoying the time he had with Kendall cause the babies were still sleeping right now

"I'm glad Peter isn't sick yet so far it has been Allie" Kendall says as he sits up and hugs Logan

"Hey guys happy Valentine's Day" James says as he comes in with breakfast for Kendall and Logan

"James is Carlos here?" Kendall asks him as he accepts breakfast from James

"Yeah he is with Peter and we just checked on the babies and they are still asleep like little angels" James says to Kendall and Logan as he went to get the other tray for Logan so he could have breakfast as well

"Even Molly?" Logan asks him

"Molly just woke up she wants her mommy" Carlos says as he came in with Molly in his arms

"Question have you guys had chicken pox when you guys were little?" Kendall asks them as he was having his breakfast that morning

"I have for sure" James says as he was looking at Kendall and Logan

"Okay Carlos?" Logan asks him as Logan was feeding Molly cause he had to feed the other two soon, and Kendall was going to feed the boys 

"I have had the chicken pox's so I am good to go with the kids" Carlos says as he looks at Kendall and Logan   

"Yup so you guys can do what you want" James says as he was going to check on the others as well

James and Carlos brought the babies to Kendall and Logan so they could feed the babies


"Might as well give the kids their presents" Kendall says to Logan after a while and the babies were taken care of once again and were playing on their mat

"First let's do Allie since she is sick" Logan says as he looks at Kendall after a while

"Yes our little princess Allie" Kendall says as he gets up to go to Allie's room to give her gift as well

Logan grabs her presents since she was sick she got better treatment then her brother and Peter was okay with that cause Peter got the same treatment when he was sick

(Allie's room)

"Hey Allie girl" Kendall says as he came into the room with Logan

Allie smiles as she looks at her parents cause she was happy to see them

"You still have your spots" Logan says as he came with the gifts since Kendall had Peter's gifts for him as well so he feels special too

She smiles as she goes to papa so she could have her gifts

"At least that smile of yours never fades even if you are sick" Kendall says as he was going over to her

"Nope but in the beginning her smile was not there and she wanted to snuggle with me a lot and i was okay with that cause i would have the babies in my arms and she would be on my leg and i walked just fine with her on my leg" Logan says as she played her games on her T.V in her room since she was not allowed out of her room so she didn't make her brothers and her sisters sick too

"Now we are in the home stretch now" Kendall says as he saw his princess before he went to Peter's room to give him his gifts as well

"Yes we are and i think she will be back to herself in no time" Logan says as he was going to fix her hair for her after she got a bath and changed her clothes so she was not that itchy like she was cause she started to itch again and Logan knew that a oatmeal bath was calling her name

"I'm glad for that" Kendall says as he left the room

(Peter's room)

"Hey bud" Kendall says as he came into his room to give him his gifts for Valentine's Day

"Hi daddy" Peter says as he saw daddy that morning 

"Happy Valentine's day papa is with your sister since she is sick" Kendall says as he was going to sit with Peter for a little bit before going to see the other boys as well and give them their gifts too

Peter wanted to be with his sister

"Okay bud if you want to see her that's fine that way we can have both of you have the chicken pox's all at once" Kendall says as he was going to go with Peter to see his sister and they could be together cause they have never been apart ever in their lives the only time they are apart is their bedrooms they ate together and they got their baths together and they even play together they were true brother and sister

Kendall knocks on Allie's door to see if Allie wanted to see her brother and he knew that he wanted to see her

"Hey Peter" Logan says when he saw the other twin come into the room 

"Hi papa" Peter says as he goes to his sister to see her 

"Kenny are you sure about this?' Logan asks him after a while cause he didn't want Peter to get sick too but 

"Logie please he wants to be with her he clearly cares about her" Kendall says as he hugs Logan close to him as they enjoyed the scene before them with the kids 

Logan respected that with the twins and he wanted to ask Kendall something but that was going to wait cause they were enjoying the twins right now since in the fall they will be going to preschool so they might be separated or one might go while the other one goes to preschool 

V & C 

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