Imagine #1 Gabriel

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Welcome to my first imagine! Thank you for reading this! I hope you enjoy, please continue.

(Spoilers ahead.....duh)

     I sat in the back of the van with my friend Mariana.  Mariana and I had been friends since we were in diapers. On the other hand, her brother Gabriel and I didn't get along so great.

     Then the zombie apocalypse happened. My parents left me to fend for myself and I found Mari. She had always felt like a sister to me and I needed her more than ever.

     She didn't hesitate to take me in.

     She slept beside me and I was on my way there. I heard Kate and Javi talking up front. Then I saw Gabe's head bob.

     I don't know why, but he always didn't really like me. Now with his mood swings, he seemed like he despised me. I used to be able to put up with his snarky comments and rude remarks, but now I just wanna slap him.

     Or punch him square in the face, whichever works best.

     Then I smelled something revolting.

     I looked up front and saw Kate smoking....weed? She passed it to Javier but I interrupted before he could consider grabbing it.

      "If you guys are going to smoke, can you at least go outside?" I asked them.

     Javier looked at me and Kate almost dropped the smoke.

     "Oh, um (Y/n), I didn't know you were awake." Javi stuttered.

     "I'm not the one you'll have to explain to." I said, motioning to the other sleeping kids.

     Mariana stirred then woke up with a disgusted look on her face. "What is that smell?" She questioned the adults.

"Kate is having a smoke." Javier covers for Kate. I give him a look but her doesn't turn to meet me.

"I know you guys do drugs." Mari told them.

"That's a pretty strong way to put it.......don't tell Gabe." Javier told her.

"He's the one that told us." Mari and I said at the same time. At that moment, Gabriel stirred and woke up with the same disgusted look that Mariana woke up with.

"Oh great, you're smoking in the car now?" Gabriel groans.

"Oh hush up you, if you were as stressed as them then you'd probably do it too." I snipped at him.

"Nobody asked you (L/n)."

I reach over and hit his head, not hard enough to leave a bump or bruise, but hard enough that he probably felt it.

He rubbed his head tenderly and frowned at me.

"Okay everyone, roll down your windows before you get contact high." Javi instructed us.

I saw a sign pass by and Javi told us that we are going to make a pit stop. Once we pulled up to the car lot Javi got out and Kate got into the drivers seat. I waited until we could all get out of the van. I stretched a little bit and groaned. I couldn't tell how long it had been since I had gotten out of the van.

I heard Mari scream then I was pushed to the ground. Javi came and killed the muerto behind me. I looked up and saw Gabe. I stared at his eyes for a moment. They were really pretty compared to my (E/c) ones. He blinked then got up off of me.

He lifted me up then dusted himself off. "Watch yourself (Y/n)." That was one of the first times he had called me (Y/n) instead of (L/n) in a few years.

"Oh yeah, thanks for saving me jerkass, you want a trophy? I'll give you an I.O.U." I told him then the rest of the group and us went to plan on what we needed to do.

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