part 1: a light is born

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( black and white picture of Alain, not that it was in color anyways )
( Disclaimer: I do not own magi and any art I show that isn't mine is owned by its respective companies)

In the sacred palace Ugo Is thinking to himself and when his eyes open and there is a great burst of light. A person is standing Infront of him. " Who am I '' they ask " well.... I guess you could say you are my son '' Ugo said with a smile " I see '' he said looking around.

- 13 years in sacred palace time -

"It's time for you to go" Ugo said with a smile while still looking sad
" Don't look so sad, because after all we'll meet again '' the boy said smiling trying to cheer up Ugo " right Alain, please take these '' Ugo said as a weird pair of boots Alain then ran over to Ugo and gave him a hug then he was gone.

Alain woke up on the outskirts of a town, he gets up and remembers what he has to do, he then started walking to the town.
He gets to the town and sees a boy in rags run past " hey, can you tell me where I am '' Alain asked before the boy got too far away " your in balbadd ''
He said before running of again.

Alain was walking around balbadd looking at all the things he never saw in the sacred palace, people,animals,food, it was breath taking for him, then Alain cut down an alley way and what he saw made him sad, a bunch of people sitting around, ribs visible, fighting for any scraps of food they could find. " Dad told me about things like this but I never thought they would be this bad '' Alain thought to himself looking down
" Add this to the list of things I need to fix '' he thought to himself as turned back, he walked around more until he found a tavern so curious, he went inside.
Everyone inside seemed happy but they may have just seemed drunk, as he turned his head the rukh seemed to kinda buzz a little around this boy, just a year or two older then Alain was, sipping rum, then a guzzled down the rest of it and left making Alain sweat drop then he left. The rukh that was around him made Alain curious so he followed him without him knowing, a man was Infront of the boy Alain was following and grabbed him by his shoulders " the boss isn't so pleased with you quitting '' he said angry yet smirking at the same time. " Hey Mister why are you grabbing him in such an aggressive way?''
Alain asked. " Shut it you little brat before I skin you alive '' he said not even looking at Alain.
" I see,I see '' Alain said thinking, " gravity boots: negative!" Alain shouted as he jumped threw the air and step in the man's face, then he grabbed the boy as they raced down the street with the man far away.

After a while they stop running " m-my name's Alain and I'm a traveler ''
He puffed out in between breathes " I'm Noah '' he said just like Alain.
" Anyways Alain, since your a traveler I bet you never been to balbadd ''
He said breathing normally now, Alain goes along with the suggestion as they head to a certain place in balbadd. ( you know what I mean )

- 1 hour later -

As they walk out Alain's whole body is pink as he stumbles out and Noah just laughs.
" Haha, well there is one place left to check out "
Noah said wiping a tear from his face, Alain starts to return to normal as they walk to whatever they were going.

They arrive to there location which was the cliff that showed. " This is a dungeon, apparently there is many treasure inside, including the djinn container '' explained Noah " so that's what they call it here '' Alain thought to himself, then he saw hundreds of people being matched into the dungeon in chains. " Who are they? ''
Alain turned as he
" Those are slaves, bought and sold on the slave markets they are used for a variety of things, dungeons included. He answered with a sad look
Hey....Noah, you want to be king, don't you? Alain asked " of course I do that's all anyone wants '' he answered looking away. " Then let's go down there and enter the dungeon '' Alain said plainly " wait don't say that like it's some casual thing'' Noah said in response. Alain just grabbed him by the arm and jumped of the cliff taking Noah with him.

"Alllllaaain!!'' Noah shouted as he was being pulled to what he thought was gonna be his death.
" Gravity boots: positive X10!'' yelled Alain as he start hovering above the cliff side as they surfed down it. When they reached the bottom they were given an arrangement of looks from the slaves, some hopeful, other scared for us. But they got the same look from this guy with gold spiky hair and some priest next to him, from their attire they were from reim. "What do you want''. The one with spiky gold hair said. " Out of our way, we're clearing this dungeon and we're gonna set free the slaves you have too!'' Alain said with a fire unlike before.
" Oh really know '' the one with gold hair said looking bored. In an instance he came rushing at Alain, but Noah blocked with the short sword at his side. " Gravity boots: X5!'' Alain yelled as he kicked the man in the gut. " Come on Noah '' Alain said as he ran with Noah past the priest who was looking dumbfounded, " are you OK noblemen Tao!? '' the priest shouted as he ran to tao's side. '' Nevermind that, we have to tell him''
Tao said with a look of grimace on his face.
" Are you ready to become king? Noah? '' Alain said to Noah as they jumped threw the portal " what are you talking about Alain, just who exactly are you?'' Noah thought as his mind was enveloped by the dungeon.

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