part 3: sacred magic

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After a while of flying Alain and Noah were thrown onto the ground, they took a look of their surroundings and saw what resembled a village.
" Where are we? '' Noah asked amazed at the dungeon creatures around him. Your in the dungeon creatures village, my name is akeo "
the creature who brought them there said, it then shows them around the village, most of the others give them weird looks except the children who just look fascinated. Adventually akeo brings them to where the chief lives, " just as a heads up are chief doesn't really like humans '' akeo said kinda plainly. " Oh OK '' they said in unison.
" Why did you bring these humans here! '' the chief boomed, spitting venom.
" Because they saved me when other humans were about to end my life '' akeo said back " you think I care for your life? there are hundreds of us here and I have to worry about them all! '' the chief snapped. Alain, Noah and akeo then walked away in silence, they thanked akeo for saving them and walked away. " Hey, if it's not too much trouble, could I come too? '' he asked, " why, wouldn't you want to stay with your family? '' Noah asked. " I have my own reason for going with you '' akeo said. He then wrapped them up in his tail and flew away, " not again!! '' Noah shouted with Alain giving him the death glare.

They land outside of a cave that looks like a snake. " This djinn must really like snakes '' Noah said aloud. They go inside and there are a bunch of floating islands, only big enough for two people.
" This is where many humans perish '' akeo said, he then did his thing and flew them over.
" Okay let's continue! ''
Noah said cheering as they went down the stairs.

They looked ahead, it's a straight corridor with seemingly nothing but Noah knew better.
" We should hurry, I may have flone us over most of the dungeon but at the rate they were going they'll be here soon '' akeo informed looking away. Noah decided he would be the to go, he started running and sure enough spikes came out the wall. " Oh come on spikes!? Isn't that a little bit of an cliché? '' he said as he started running faster, then as if the dungeon heard him the spikes started shooting out the spikes. " Crap! Crap! Crap! '' Noah thought as he was barley dodging the object, one came at his head but he slid against the stone ground to dodge it but scratched up his legs.
" Am I alive? '' Noah asked breathing hard.
" You did great Noah, now flip the lever so we can get over there!'' Alain said while smiling and Noah just gave a thumbs up.

The next room had a bunch of holes everywhere, even in the ceiling, Noah and Alain were gonna question this but then some of the holes shot out acid which shut them up. " Those geysers are to fast for me'' Noah said holding up his hands, " my gravity boots would probably let me be fast enough but I can't predict the pattern ''
Alain said scratch his head.
" I know the pattern, we could work together '' akeo said looking kinda spaced, Alain snapped him back to reality and started running the geyser. Akeo guided Alain with quick instructions as he barley dodged, there was one geyser that barley grazed Alain but still looked like it hurt, Alain accidentally jumped into a spout of acid but came threw the other side so akeo just assumed he made it. Alain got to the other side and turned off the geysers, " let's continue on guys! '' Alain shouted from the other side as akeo came with Noah to the other side.

They got down to what akeo said was the final level, it looked empty but Noah knew better then that. Some bipedal lizards in armor came out of nowhere swinging their swords, akeo flew the duo out of harm's way and went to attack them on his own " you two should save your strength for the treasury room '' he said as he used his tail to swat one into the wall. After a while they disappeared, everyone cheered and then continued to the door ahead. " Is this the end? '' Noah wondered as he tried pushing the door,
" How can we possibly get this door open? Those others will be here soon ''
Akeo said while he looked back, Alain stood in front of the door and said " open sesame! '' then the doors flung open as the world around them started to change Noah stood in disbelief.  " Are we outside!? '' Noah said screaming " no this is the a city of death, a necropolis, the place we want to find should be..... Over there '' Alain said as he pointed to a pillar of sand, Noah was stunned at Alain's knowledge of the dungeon and would question him later.
Akeo was looking around, amazed at the city and saw two figures in the air.
" Guys we need to go! '' akeo said as he grabbed the duo and flew towards the pillars.

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