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Y/n's View

I have a crush. His name is Sangwoo.

I remember when I first met him. A few of these guys were harassing me when I was working. He helped me out of there, and ever since then, we had been friends. That day when he helped me, I knew that I was head-over-heels for him. But looking back at it now, I never noticed how...Obsessive he was sometimes. 

I should've listened to my gut that day, but I didn't.

"Hey (Y/n) do you wanna come over tonight? I don't have any classes tonight, so we can hang out." Sangwoo said over the phone. My ears perked up and my smile brightened when he was finished. Sangwoo and I were usually busy with our own personal lives, so we never really got to hang out as much as we used to. Sangwoo was finishing up College in his Senior year, I had dropped out of College when I was a Junior in College, so now I mainly write fictional stories, I'm nearly finished with my first book, so I'm quite thrilled.

"Yeah that sounds great! I need a break from writing." I said, as a nervous smile was plastered onto my face, I heard him chuckle a bit from the other line. I could feel myself blush a little bit.

'He sounds so cute when he chuckles.' I thought to myself.

"Cool, I'll see at 5 then." Sangwoo said, those were the last words he said before he hung up. I stood up from my couch and I checked the time on my phone. 4:29 PM. I had some time to get ready, and since it takes a while to get to his house, I'll be as quick as I can.

I went into my room and changed from sweatpants and a hoodie to a T-Shirt and ripped Jeans. I combed my (h/c) hair a bit. I put on some light makeup, and I slipped on my sneakers. The time was now 4:40, and I decided that it was best to start heading out now. Sadly since I don't have a car, I had to walk to his house.

After 30 minutes of walking, I reached his house. I looked down at my phone. 5:10 PM. I was only 10 minutes late, I don't think he would mind. I walked up to his house, the gate was open, which was rare, I walked up the stairs to his front door and I knocked on the door. As I waited for him to answer, I had a feeling like I should run away and never look back, I shook the feeling away.

After a few minutes, I heard footsteps inside coming closer and closer to the door, Sangwoo opened the door, he smiled widely when he saw you. "(Y/n)! Come in!" Sangwoo said as he gently took my hand and lead me inside. Once inside, the entrancing smell of Bulgogi could be smelled throughout the house. Every time I inhaled the captivating aroma, it made me more and more hungry.

"Bulgogi is one of my favorite dishes! How did you know?" I asked him, looking over at him, a pleasant smile on my face, he chuckled a bit as he stared at me. 

"We've been friends for 2 years (Y/n)! Of course I would know this! I would be a terrible friend if I didn't." Sangwoo said, as he slung an arm around me, which caused a light blush to dance across my cheeks.

"Is it almost done?" I asked him, a hopeful look in my eyes. He nodded his head a bit.

"Yeah, I believe so." He said as he took his arm off of me and walked into the kitchen, I followed closely behind him.

As I entered into the kitchen, I had that feeling like I should run away again, I pushed the feeling away, it was most likely nothing. Besides, I've known Sangwoo for 2 years, I trust him.

Sangwoo went into the cupboards and got out 2 plates, I decided to help him by getting two forks and knives. As I went into the drawers to go look for forkes and knives, Sangwoo grabbed my wrist, hard.

His facial expression changed from bubbly and happy to harsh and cold. He pulled me close to him, I was so close to him that I could smell his intoxicating scent. "What are you doing?" He asked me, his tone dark and menacing.

I shuddered a bit as he looked at me. "I-I was just trying to help.." I said, I was visibly terrified, he had never acted like this before. When he heard me, his eyes softened, but his expression was still quite cold.

Had he always been like this?

During the time we were eating, I couldn't bring myself to look at him, I kept my eyes glued onto my plate of food.

"So..After this, do you wanna watch a movie?" He asked, I glanced up at him and gave him a polite smile.

"That would be great, but I need to get home before 9, After that, all the drunks come out to drink like it's the end of the world." I said, giggling at the last part, I saw Sangwoo smile a bit.

Time Skip ~ 10 minutes later, during the movie

Sangwoo and I were watching Spirited Away, we were right at the part where Chihiro and her parents discovered the tunnel, when Sangwoo paused the movie. I looked over at him, a questioning look on my face, I tilted my head  a bit to the side.

"(Y/n)..I need to tell you something.." Sangwoo said, his voice was quiet and hushed. He was looking at me, his chestnut eyes reminded me of a puppy dog's eyes begging. Sangwoo scooted a bit closer to me.

I could feel my breath begin to get shaky as multiple thoughts began to run around my currently cluttered mind. 

"I...Fuck it.." Sangwoo said as he gently grabbed my face and smashed his lips onto mine. I was in pure shock for a few seconds, before I hesitantly began to kiss him back. The longer we kissed, the more deeper and rougher it became. He grabbed me by the waist and pulled me into his lap, my hands began to roam through his hair. As he started to take my shirt off, I stopped him, putting a firm hand onto his chest, ending the kiss with him.

"I...I have to get going..." I said as I got off of his lap, I was starting to get my coat on when he stopped me.

"Before you go...How about we play a game?" Sangwoo asked, a childish smile on his face, I looked over at him, and sighed a bit.

"Fine. Just one game though." I stated, he nodded his head, the smile still on his face.

"One game and you can go home." Sangwoo said as he went into his room and brought out a chess set and placed it on the kitchen table, I sat in the seat across from him, I smirked at him.

"Chess huh? You don't seem like the type to play chess.." I said, he laughed a bit and put a hand under his chin.

"There's a lot of things you don't know about me (Y/n)." He said. I chuckled and began to set up the board on my side.

Time Skip ~ 20 minutes later

"Checkmate." Sangwoo stated as he knocked over my king with his knight. I looked down at the board and realized where I had made my mistakes.

"Well...I better be heading out.." I said as I stood up, but when I looked at the seat across from me, Sangwoo wasn't there.

"No." Sangwoo said as he hit me over the side of the head with God knows what, and as I fell down, the last thing I saw was Sangwoo smile deviously at me.

Why did it have to turn out like this?

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