The Invaluable Sacrifice

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So we have the agent, destroyed the main building in the Rave facility, and escaped what? Where do we go? How do we leave? We can't stay here any longer. I wish that John had explained that little detail a bit more. 

I wish that we had someway to contact Shadow...... 

Then I realize, duh, the walkie-talkie that he gave me earlier. He said that if we were in trouble, to radio them and they'll blow up the armory as a distraction. We could just radio them to pick us up! 

I search for it in my pocket. Then realize it's not there. It's inside the destroyed lobby. I silently scold myself. 

That was our one way home. 

We're going to be stuck here for a little while. 

Worse yet, everyone keeps looking at me expectantly, waiting for me to come up with some brilliant plan. I suddenly get really annoyed. Why can't someone else lead us? Stop staring at me like I'm your boss or something. Anything to relieve the pressure right now. 

"So, we have no radio, no vehicle, and no way back to headquarters," I conclude slowly. "But somehow, we have to get back. Any suggestions?" 

"Well......" Alex thinks hard. "We could steal one of their trucks. Hijack it and drive to the airport." 

"Yeah," Raina agrees. 

"Two problems with that," Lenae shakes her head. "There's a gate that all their trucks have to pass through when they leave or enter. It's a large x-ray, built purposely to check for stowaways. And second, we don't even have money for a single plane ticket. How are we supposed to get seven?" 

Everyone's silent. I guess it's finally starting to sink in how impossible this is. 

"We could go to town," suggests Myria. "We could borrow someone's phone, and contact Shadow. We'll tell them all that happened, and how we need a ride." 

"But," Peter shakes his head sadly. "We don't even know their phone number. If they have one. It's impossible." 

Everyone's silent again. 

"I have an idea," Jake says quietly. We all turn and look at him, and he takes a deep breath. Then looks at all of us. "So, they said they'd be waiting to hear if we would be in trouble, and if so, they'd blow up the building, right? Well, let's blow it up anyway." 

"Why?" Raina asks, confused. 

"To send a message," I say. I turn to Jake. "Good plan. What do we do?" 

His green eyes meet mine. "The armory is full of explosives. We can just set off a few grenades, and the whole place will go off. Once it's destroyed, they'll immediately know it was us, and send someone over. They'll be able to see the smoke from wherever they are." 

"Smoke signals," Peter nods. "I like it." 

"Okay," I exhale slowly. I nod at Jake. "You lead." 

He looks surprised for a second, but manages, "Thank you." He turns to everyone. "Let's go." 

We follow him (Dudley very close behind us) to the armory, keeping an eye out for extra guards. Luckily, the dark metal door slides open easily, and we walk inside. It's not the biggest building, but everywhere we look, there are rows and rows of shelves full of weapons. I see every weapon there is - shotguns, pistols, rocket-launchers, even old muskets, and also concussion grenades, smoke bombs; the list goes on and on.  

I walk next to Jake, just looking at all those weapons. "Which ones are we going to use?" I whisper. 

He points at a few grenades. "Those ones." 

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