New Encounters

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I lay on my bed staring up at the ceiling contemplating on whether if I should join Mr. Fernandez on his journey to the mall. I sigh, the events that occurred only a week ago flash across my mind,

"I can't do this anymore Mr. Fernandez... I'm sorry..."

"Y/n.. I-I don't understand what are you-"

I take a shaky breath and began rubbing my temples groaning, "Why is life so damn difficult?" I ask no one in particular.

"Is it really that hard to choose whether if you want to tag along with me?"

I nearly jump three feet in the air hearing Mr. Fernandez's voice, "What the hell? couldn't you at least knock?" I ask sitting up from my previous position. The man chuckles whilst leaning against the door frame,

"Hey this is my home, the rules don't apply to me" he states, "besides, this is not officially your room remember?" I sigh as the memory of him saying I would only be staying here until I get over my parent's passing comes back to me.

I nod more than I needed to, "Yes, yes, I recall you saying that" I sit there thinking for a bit before groaning and looking at him again, "Do I really have to go to the mall with you? Why can't you go alone?" I ask crossing my arms while raising an eyebrow at him.

"Yes. for the hundredth time, yes. The whole reason why I'm going in the first place is to get your school supplies; which includes your school textbooks."

I groan, "Fine....I'll pay you back once I get my key for the bank, since I 'lost' the old one-"

Mr. Fernandez holds a hand up in protest, "Forget it kid, no need, I've already got plenty of money, if I get anymore I don't know where I would put it all." He says casually, as if it were something everyone could relate to. "Come on, let's go before the schools are out and we get bombarded with moody hormonal teens." He walks out of the room and heads downstairs to start up the car.

I inhale deeply and gaze out the patio a remembrance of the strange scene I saw out there the last time I decided to take breather out there before swinging my legs of the bed and onto the floor, I push myself off the large bed and shuffle out the room.


I shut the car door and wave to Mrs. Fernandez who was waving us goodbye,

"We'll be back as soon as possible love!"

"Don't worry about me, take as much time as you need! Bye!"

Mr. Fernandez waves and steers out of the driveway out onto the street. I sat in silence while glancing out the window, the scene reminded me of the first day I entered The Fernandez's life. My mind drifts off to wondering if all I've been to the couple was a nuisance, a burden even, another mouth to feed, a whiny little bi-

"You alright their sport? You look deep in thought, and if I'm not mistaken, I'd think that you're actually drooling there." He chuckles, I quickly wipe my mouth to see that I really had been drooling, when did I start doing that? I really am a baby

"Sorry..." I mumble looking down at my palms which were intertwined tightly, I suddenly feel a sharp pain on my back and I yelp out of surprise, it was simply my guardian giving me a painful pat on the back,

"Quit apologizing boy."


"Ay." The cheerful man sharply snaps looking at me with an eyebrow raised waiting for me to take back my word of apology.

I look down at my lap, face flushed surrendering to his order. He chuckles victoriously and continues to drive in silence.


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24, 2020 ⏰

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