The inncident

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Y/n P.O.V
Today is the day, I've been waiting for, the day of the convention where I have been waiting to meet Markiplier.
"Mom, I have my money. All you need to do is drop me off!"
She sighed with a sweet smile on her face. "Ok, ok alright. I'll take you, but I'm not staying there with you all those screams over one guys is just very annoying. And besides, honey, didn't you see him last year?"
"Yes, I did, but I need to see him again. There are terrible things happening right now and.."I giggle" it's just a lot of drama with haters..."
My mom drove me to LA.  It was a 45 minute drive and we live in Santa Ana, so it was really close compared to other cities, and Mark lives in LA as well. I wish I could see how his house looks like.
~Time skip~
We arrive at the convention i am so exited I look around looking for the booth Mark is at, he posted on Instagram saying he would be near the entertainment hall. So I rushed to the location of the entertainment hall on my way to my destination I saw a very long line I walked up there to see who's booth it was and it was his, Markiplier.
I ran to the end of the line which was surprisingly very short he probably just open the booth, well it is 5 o'clock in the morning. As I am standing in line I look in front of me to see who is the first in line and there is this girl who is taking forever and I see she is taking 1 million pictures.
"Ugh why is she taking so long" I say
A girl in front of me answers me
"I don't know but I want her to hurry up so I can meet Mark already" she says aggressively
I step back in fear
~Time skip~
I'm the next person in line all of these thoughts are flowing through my head as I am staring straight at Mark "what if I make a fool of myself what if he thinks I'm annoying what if he pushes me away because I am hugging him for too long what if he calls security guard to pull me away from him what if he doesn't remember me from last year I made him a cake with tiny box Tim with his pink mustache on it what if..."
Suddenly as he was about to say next A bunch of girls are walking towards him ,as I stopped in front of the table then they smashed two eggs in his hair and got a Blue cupcake and rubbed it all over his shirt. I cant just stay here and not do anything. I walk up to those girls and before I could even do anything they hit me, I fall to the floor then I stand up quickly wanting to hit them,then they ran before I could even clench my fist , so I started to run after them then before I could even catch up to them I hear a voice yell at me
I turned around and I see Mark looking straight at me
"Just stop ignore them" he says with a deep voice
He says as he is getting closer to me
I usually wouldn't stop but before I take any actions, in my head I was thinking about the Respect video that he made and I would like to respect what he said and listen to him maybe it is something more important ,much more important then violence.
Helloooo this is my first x reader so if it's bad I'm am sorry
But tbh I made up this story while I was in the shower it just popped in my head so why not write about it any ways
What will Mark do!! Find out in the next chapter xD!!

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