Chapter #1: Sanctuary?

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      Discomfort and uncertainty have become a norm for me I think. I've been trudging through the snow in this pitch darkness for well over an hour. I'm sure of it. I'm sure I've been walking in a circle and to top it off I think it's my third time completing this circle. I shake my head and adjust my glasses once more hoping to see something, anything! Maybe even a glimpse of light but the only things I can make out are the bare outlines of various trees and the gray colored snow covering my shins.
      There aren't any animals nearby either from what I can see and the forest is dead silent. Eerily silent. I rub my forehead and think about possible solutions. As of right now leaving is just not possible, I tried that already. As I breathe out I can feel the shakiness of my breath and I realize the trembling of my body. I feel sort of stupid because I forgot that it's winter, I'm in Maine, and it's probably below 0 degrees especially since the tree branches are completely blocking any light. "I need to find a place to stay," I conclude aloud. Adjusting my body to a different position I begin looking around the mess of shadow covered trees making it difficult to navigate.

      At this point, I honestly just don't want to go in another random circle. I'm right handed so I feel like if I start straight I'm just going to eventually turn right without realizing it. I think I'll take a left and try zigzagging. I need to find a place to stay. A way to make a fire. I begin putting my futile plan to action with an attempt to not be pessimistic but I honestly have to wonder, am I even going to make it through the night? I'm glad I didn't take off my sweatshirt when I was driving because I honestly probably wouldn't have thought to put it on before I got out of the car. A quick pee, that's all I wanted! Man, how did this happen? How is this even possible? My mind must be playing tricks on me.

      Maybe I got hypothermia without realizing it and now I'm just hallucinating. Or I'm dead and in some kind of purgatory. Perhaps I'm even in a hospital bed in a coma dreaming that I got a new job and that I moved to the middle of nowhere and now I'm stuck in these woods. Whatever it is it doesn't make sense, any of this. I walk in a clumsy zigzag passing through the various trees when one catches my eye. I turn my head and look it up and down examining it over. It's tall, thick, and has a sort of wigwam looking entrance to it. I look around to view the possibility of options when I remind myself that options are limited here. Extremely limited. With a sigh, I duck my head and crawl inside.

      I have to give this old tree some credit it had a pretty wide trunk and there isn't much snow inside here either. Unfortunately, the ground is hard and cold. Rubbing my cold hands together I breath out low and slow to warm them which works very little. There aren't any sticks or twigs laying around and there isn't any small rocks or stones so I highly doubt a fire is going to be made tonight. I shake my head and chuckle to myself, "like I could get it to work anyway." Man, what am I going to do? Is this really how I'm going to die? In the middle of the woods due to hypothermia all by myself in the darkness?

      I don't have anything. I don't have any equipment or tools. I have no survival gear, no tents no tent rope, no lighters or charcoal. No food! I realize with an internal shriek, my stomach growling. I slide my arms inside my sweatshirt and underneath my T-shirt wrapping them around my stomach. I'm going to die of starvation and hypothermia all alone in the middle of this dark shady forest. How did this happen, man? I ask myself once more leaning against the wall of the tree. I don't even bother to remove my glasses, paranoid of losing or breaking them. If I'm going to die tonight I guess I should think a little positively. At least I didn't get attacked by a wild moose or eaten by a bear. At least I'll get to die peacefully in my sleep. At least I'll get to die in some form of... I look up at the tree sheltering me, sanctuary?

      Closing my eyes I keep my arms crossed over my stomach underneath my shirts, my knees bent. With a low sigh, I lower my head. It doesn't matter how it happened. It just doesn't. It happened. It happened and that's all there is to it.

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