Frozen Dresses

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Challenge: Frozen Dresses on your (Girl!) OC
OC used : Sandy Saunders and Clara Overlord

Challenge: Frozen Dresses on your (Girl!) OCOC used : Sandy Saunders and Clara Overlord

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I.....Uh.....I'm slightly embarrassed that I drew this, mainly because I've never watched the Frozen movie yet I know a ton about it.... So yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.......

I'm sorry that Clara's braid is darker than the rest of her hair. I accidentally drew the dresses color on BEFORE I remembered to draw her braid over her shoulder.....Yeah, sorry about that.

Idk why Clara looks like Elsa. When I first created her, I thought Clara looked a bit like Elsa, but I wasn't trying to base her off of the Snow Queen. ((Yet one of Clara's children is based off of the child version of Elsa.....)) Lol, why not? XD

Anyhow, I hope you like this!

Elsa : Clara Overlord
Anna : Sandy Saunders

P.S. I accidentally put this picture in my randomness book..........Oops. XD

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